
IN22 with 12 and 15T cryomagnets

Stray Magnetic Field and Siting Issues on IN22

We present below the magnetic forces measured on IN22 with the 12 and 15 T symmetric split-pair coil magnets CRG-CEA and 158OXHV26. Two configurations have been considered: at 2.662 Å-1 and 5.812 Å-1. In each case, the A4 shaft has been scanned to look for the angle leading to the maximum force.

For working at nominal field, the distance between the lead blocks of the primary spectrometer and the surface of the cryomagnet (on the incident beam axis and at the height of the beam) must be 1375 mm for the 15 T magnet and 950 mm for the 12 T magnet.