
Applying for beamtime

Before submitting a proposal to the ILL, you are requested to read carefully the guidelines for your submission method. They contain information essential for your application and will be useful however you choose to submit your proposal. Please follow these guidelines.

There are different ways of submitting a proposal to the ILL, as summarised in the following table.

Quick access

External peer review
Standard All experiments, all instruments, all conditions.
Next deadline 15 February 2025.
Deadlines twice a year, spring and autumnAll users from member countries

4 to 8 months after deadline

BAGs College 8 proposals on D22Deadlines twice a year, spring and autumnAll users from member countries

4 to 8 months after deadline

CRG All experiments, CRG instruments, all conditions

Depends on CRG policy

All users from CRG collaboration

Depends on CRG policy

D-LabAccess to the ILL sample deuteration labAll yearAll users from member countries 
Internal peer review

Urgent experiments, hot topics, excellent science from non-member countries, all instruments, all conditions

All yearAll usersASAP
EASYA small amount of beamtime, not a full experiment; must be very simple measurements, all instruments, limited number of configurationsAll yearAll users from member countries

From one to a few weeks


All instruments, for projects over several cycles if it can be demonstrated that they bring extra resources or capabilities that are of benefit to all users

Once a year, autumn roundAll users from member countries

4 to 8 months after deadline

No peer review
TESTTest of sample, equipment, instrument configuration, all instrumentsAll yearAll users from member countriesUsually on same day
INDUProprietary beamtimeAll yearContact the Industrial Liaison OfficeASAP
INTERInternal beamtime, available for ILL scientists to do their own research. Must have an ILL scientist involved but can also have external people as co-proposers (form available on the intranet).All yearIll scientists (possible collaboration with users from member countriesAnytime during reactor cycles

TransNational Access vie European projects

ReMade@ARIprovides scientists exploring the properties and structures of recyclable materials with coordinated access to more than 50 European analytical research infrastructures.
Users can now submit proposals for access to these infrastructures via a unified procedure on a dedicated online portal.
Applicants are welcome to submit a pre-proposal to receive support from the scientific network of ReMade@ARI to develop their idea into a full proposal.