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- General news,European news,Scientific news

An agreement has just been signed between the ILL and the ESS for ILL to manufacture the detector for the CSPEC instrument at the ESS.

- News,General news,European news

Following the recent articles in Le Monde and Le Point, the importance of neutrons for science & innovation has now been highlighted in CNRS news. World-class research needs new neutron sources. Their success, however, depends on the vibrant…

- News,General news,European news

On May 28-29, the 4th annual conference of BATTERY 2030+ gathered over 300 participants in Grenoble for two days of great presentations, discussions and networking opportunities on many different facets of battery research in Europe and beyond.

- News,European news

On 29 April ILL's Director, Ken Andersen, welcomed Michael Arentoft, Head of Unit at the European Commission's Directorate for Research and Innovation. An opportunity to show off our state-of-the-art instrument suite, following the Endurance upgrade,…