Count Rates
Count Rates Calculations
Here is the list of functions related to the count rates calculations that are provided by the "Neutron Scattering" XOP:
CountRate(N, T)
The CountRate function returns the count rate from the count N measured during time T . The count rate is defined by:
(where N is the number of neutrons and T is the counting time in seconds.)
CountRateSDev(N, T)
The CountRateSDev function returns the standard deviation of the count rate from the count N measured during time T. The count rate standard deviation is defined by:
(where N is the number of neutrons and T is the counting time in seconds.)
CountRateDDT(N, T, a, b)
The CountRateDDT function returns the count rate corrected for detector dead-time from the count N measured during time T. The corrected count rate is defined by:
(where N is the number of neutrons, T is the counting time in seconds and a, b are the first and second order correction coefficients expressed in seconds.)
CountRateDDTSDev(N, T, a, b , aSDev, bSDev)
The CountRateDDTSDev function returns the count rate standard deviation corrected for detector dead-time from the count N measured during time T. The corrected count rate standard deviation is defined by:
(where N is the number of neutrons, T is the counting time in seconds and a, b are the first and second order correction coefficients expressed in seconds. aSDev and bSDev are the standard deviations of a and b in seconds.)
CountRateMonitor(N, M)
The CountRateMonitor function returns the count rate from the count N and the monitor value M. The monitor count rate is defined by:
(where N and M are numbers of neutrons.)
CountRateMonitorSDev(N, M)
The CountRateMonitorSDev function returns the standard deviation of the count rate from the count N and the monitor value M. The monitor count rate standard deviation is defined by:
(where N and M are numbers of neutrons.)