Testimonies and documents ? Do not hesitate to contribute to <filhol(at)>
Low temperatures
(periods at the ILL)
- Alain Benoît - CNRS/CRTBT physicist.
- Jacques Bossy (1990-1992, 1994-1997) - responsible of the IN8 spectrometer, physicist at CNRS/Institut Néel.
- Jean-Louis Bret - CNRS/CRTBT engineer.
- Dominique Brochier (1971-1995) - PhD student at CNRS/CRTBT. First head of the Cryogenics Group, then Sample Environment department.
- Paul Dagleish (1975-2005) - instrument technician, then responsible of thermometry and temperature controllers.
- Henri Godfrin (1985-1989), responsible of spectrometers IN10 then IN12, physicist at CNRS/Institut Néel.
- Anton Heidemann (1975-2002) - ILL physicist then head of EDEX.
- Jacques Loppe - (1969-2007) - mechanical technician.
- Michel Mourrat - (1970-1994) - instrument technician (D8, etc.), subcontract responsible in the mechanical sector.
- Karl (Charlie) Neumaier (1968-1969) - ILL PhD student then physicist at Garching.
- Serge Pujol (1971-2006) - cryogenics technician then engineer (1994) and head of the Sample Environment department.
- Jean-Louis Ragazzoni (1971-2007) - technician responsible of the dilution cryostats.
- Reinhard Scherm (1994-1997) - ILL physicist then ILL director.
- Claude Zeyen - ILL physicst then head of the "Branche Développement" (1993-1998) which included the Sample Environment department.
High temperatures
(periods at the ILL)
- Pierre Andant (1970-2003) - technician
- Raymond Serve (1972-1988) - cryogenics technician then furnace responsible
- Pierre Aldebert (1975-1979) - ILL thesis student
- Jean Blétry (1970-1976) - ILL physicist, then at CNRS and St Gobain Recherche
- Pierre Chieux (1972-1994) - ILL physicist
- Paul Martin (1982-2016) - technician then ILL engineer
- Claude Sénillou - ENSEEG (now Phelma) technician
High pressures
(periods at the ILL)
- Christian Vettier - (1971-1974) ILL thesis student, then (1978-1990) physicist and (1999-2007) ILL Scientific Director after a period at the ESRF
- Jean Paureau - CNRS/SNCI engineer until the end of 1979
- Klaus Gobrecht (1975-1995) - PhD at CNRS/CRTBT in 1968 (now MCBT-Louis Néel)
- Werner Kuhs (1981-1987) - Co-responsible then D9 responsible, then Karlsruhe University and Göttingen University.
High fields
(periods at the ILL)
- Roger Pynn (1975-1987) - ILL physicist, then Division Director at Los Alamos and at University of Santa Barbara/MRL.
- Jacques Schweizer - CEA-CENG/DN physicist, responsible of the diffractometer D5. While not an ILL staff, he was offered a sabbatical year in Gatchina in recognition of his work.
- Peter Suttling (1977-) - ILL technician, still in activity in 2015, head of the high field lab.
Last but not least
- Christian Brisse (1972-2009) technician in the Radiation Protection department. He corrected most of the countless misspellings of the author and all sorts of other nonsense.
- the pay office that provided some of the above dates.
- Robert Corner (1998-), ILL translator
- Susan Tinniswood (1996-), ILL translator
- and if I have forgotten anyone, blame it on my age!