In general, there are two types of insurance you will need to purchase: personal civil liability insurance and home insurance.
Personal civil liability insurance (responsibilité civile vie privée) - covers any damage or harm that you may cause to others by accident. The ILL payroll office can help you subscribe to MAIF and give you the necessary employer documentation.
Home insurance (multirisque habitation) – required in order to rent a house or apartment, and must cover water and fire damage. Home insurance can be purchased from insurance or banks and the local relocation companies can advise you when you find a house or apartment to rent.
In addition to the recommendations of the relocation agencies, you could also consult the Kastler Foundaton which negotiates preferential rates on various insurance policies and services to assist researchers and scholars who come to work in France. Offers can be found at:
TIP: Comprehensive home insurance policies may include personal civil liability guarantees, so be sure to check to avoid overlap.
For information on Health insurance, see the section on HEALTH and for retirement insurance, see the section on RETIREMENT.
Health insurance
See the section on HEALTH.
Personal insurance - responsibilité civile vie privée
You will need to take out personal civil liability insurance, which covers any damage or harm that you may cause to others by accident. An employer’s certificate is usually required and coverage can range from approximately 15-35 euros per person per year. The ILL Payroll office can give you an employer’s certificate and help you subscribe to MAIF; however, there are a number of insurance companies to choose from and many banks also sell civil liability insurance.
Note: Comprehensive home insurance policies may include personal civil liability guarantees, so be sure to check to avoid purchasing more than you need.
Home insurance - assurancemultirisque habitation
You will also be required to take out home insurancewhich will cover you for damage in the case of disaster or accident in a rented house or apartment. Your policy must provide a minimum guarantee that covers fire and water damage. Home insurance can be purchased from insurance or banks.
Note: Comprehensive home insurance policies may include personal civil liability guarantees, so be sure to check to avoid purchasing more than you need.
For more information about home insurance contracts:
Automobile insurance – assurance auto
If you own a vehicle, you must take out third-party insurance to cover yourself against damage you may cause to others. For more information (in French):
Official public service website:
Banque de France dedicated platform to protect consumers (ACPR):
What to do in the case of an automobile accident? For information in English:
Unemployment insurance
The required unemployment insurance contributions are deducted from your salary and paid to the French unemployment agency, ASSEDIC. If you become unemployed, the amount of benefit you will receive and the duration will vary depending on the length of time you spent in employment before losing your job.
Retirement insurance
See the section on RETIREMENT.