European projects
As 'the' European Neutron Source, the ILL is present by definition on the European scene - be it through its coordination and participation in European projects or by the role it plays in the EIROforum, ESFRI and other instances. ILL's activity at European level will ensure Europe remains at the front of the field internationally. The Institute's choices as regards European projects are carefully matched against the priorities of its Associates and Scientific Members.
What is a European Project?
A European Project is a project that is co-financed by the European Commission. Most of the ILL project proposals are submitted in response to Horizon Europe (and previously Horizon 2020) Research and Innovation work programmes, such as Research Infrastructures, European Research Council, Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), Euratom, Europe Innovation Council & Spreading Excellence & widening participation..
The ILL’s European Office
The ILL’s European Office oversees the participation of ILL in the various EU programs and provides support for the preparation and implementation of EU projects carried out at the ILL. It monitors progress and ensures alignment with the ILL strategy.
European projects and the ILL
Current involvement in European projects
Programme | Project | Title | Years | Coordinator |
Horizon Europe | CLIMB | Doctoral network of leading European lipid-research laboratories | 2025-2029 | CNR |
Euratom | EU-Conversion (101163752) | Supplying the European Research Reactors with Safe Low-Enriched Uranium Fuels | 2024-2028 | TUM |
Horizon Europe | NEXTSTEP (101177133) | Doctoral programme on advanced analytical X-ray, neutron and electron microscope techniques | 2024-2029 | ESRF |
Horizon Europe | AMBER (101126665) | Postdoctoral programme on multiscale biological imaging | 2024-2029 | LUND University |
Horizon Europe | NEPHEWS (101131414) | NEutrons and PHotons Elevating Worldwide Science | 2024-2026 | SOLARIS |
Horizon Europe | CACTUS | Enhanced Solar PV performance through improved research infrastructure for adapted climate conditions | 2023-2025 | CEA |
Horizon Europe | SECURE (101061230) | Strengthening the European Chain of sUpply for next generation medical RadionuclidEs | 2022-2025 | NRG |
Horizon Europe | Attract-1b (101071694) | ATTRACT Phase-1(B) project delivers a new angle to the already established ATTRACT Model (European eco-system for breakthrough detection & imaging (D&I) technology development based on co-innovation) | 2022-2025 | CERN |
Horizon Europe | ReMade@ARI (101058414) | REcyclable MAterials DEvelopment at Analytical Research Infrastructures | 2022-2026 | HZDR |
Horizon Europe | SEATBELT (101069726) | Solid-state lithium metal battery within situ hybrid electrolyte | 2022-2026 | CNRS |
H2020 | Doctorate Programme on Emerging Battery Storage Technologies INspiring Young scientists | 2020-2025 | CNRS | |
H2020 | ATTRACT-2 (101004462) | Developing breakthrough technologies for science and society (phase 2) | 2021-2025 | CERN |
H2020 | RADNEXT (101008126) | RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and research | 2021-2024 | CERN |
H2020 | PRISMAP (101008571) | The European medical isotope programme: Production of high purity isotopes by mass separation | 2021-2024 | CERN |
H2020 | EU-Qualify (945009) | EUropean QUalification Approach for Low EnrIched Fuel sYstems for secure production supply of medical isotopes | 2020-2024 | SCK CEN |
H2020 | Doctoral programme for innovators with X-rays and neutrons | 2019-2024 | ESRF | |
H2020 | Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures - plus | 2020-2025 | DESY |
Previous involvement in European Projects
Programme | Project | Title | Years | Coordinator |
FP6 | CSIB | Centre for integrated structural biology | 2004-2008 | EMBL |
FP6 | NMI3 FP6 | Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy | 2004-2008 | STFC |
FP6 | RAMIRI | Managing international research infrastructures | 2008-2010 | Imperial |
FP6 | BeNatural | Bioengineered Nanomaterials for Research and Applications | 2006-2009 | Univ Crete |
FP7 | ILL 20/20 | ILL upgrade Millennium | 2007-2011 | Mono beneficiary |
FP7 | NMI3-I FP7 (226507) | Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy | 2009-2013 | ILL |
FP7 | ONDA | International research staff exchange | 2010-2014 | Univ Modena |
FP7 | PaN-Data | Common data infrastructure for neutrons and photons large Facilities | 2010-2011 | STFC |
FP7 | NeMPSIA | Marie Curie Incoming Fellowship | 2012-2013 | ILL host institution |
FP7 | JANUS | Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship | 2012-2013 | ILL host institution |
FP7 | POLYPROT | Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship | 2012-2014 | ILL host institution |
FP7 | CRISP | Central Research Infrastructures and Synergies in Physics | 2011-2014 | ESRF |
FP7 | PaNData-ODI (283556) | Open data infrastructure | 2011-2014 | STFC |
FP7 | POMOS | Synthesis-characterisation-porous molecular-solids (MSCA –RISE) | 2012-2015 | Univ Salerno |
FP7 | NMI3-II FP7 (283883) | Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy | 2012-2016 | ILL |
FP7 | AccMet | Accelerated discovery of alloy formulations using combinatorial principles | 2011-2016 | ESA |
H2020 | BrightnESS (676548) | Building partnerships and promoting synergies for the highest scientific impact on ESS | 2015-2018 | ESS |
H2020 | EURIZON | Joint international efforts to reduce the risk of proliferation by minimising the use of highly enriched uranium (EURATOM) | 2015-2018 | DESY |
H2020 | MEDICIS-produced radioisotopes beams for medicine | 2015-2018 | CERN | |
H2020 | Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures | 2015-2019 | TUM | |
H2020 | SINE2020 | World-class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe by 2020 | 2015-2019 | ILL |
H2020 | European Research Infrastructures in the International Landscape | 2017-2019 | Uni Helsinki | |
H2020 | NANOMED (734641) | NANOporous and nanostructured materials for MEDical applications (Marie-S-Curie RISE staff exchange) | 2017-2020 | Uni Alicante |
H2020 | ATTRACT (777222) | breAkThrough innovaTion pRogrAmme for a pan-European Detection and Imaging eCosysTem | 2018-2020 | CERN |
H2020 | FILL2030 (731096) | The Future of the ILL until 2030 | 2017-2020 | Mono-beneficiary ILL |
H2020 | Fuel fOR REsEarch Reactors | 2017-2021 | CEA | |
H2020 |
| Enhancing the EOSC portal and connecting thematic clouds | 2019-2021 | University of Athens |
| BrightnESS² (823867) | Bringing together a neutron ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS | 2019-2021 | ESS |
H2020 | USOME | Advanced Analysis of Polymersome and Exosome Hybrids for Potential Application in Therapeutics and Diagnostics | 2020-2022 | Leibniz Institut für Polymerforschung |
H2020 | Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud | 2018-2022 | ESRF | |
H2020 | EOSC Future (101017536) | Integration and consolidation of the existing pan-European access mechanism to public research infrastructures through the EOSC Portal | 2021-2023 | Technopolis |
H2020 | EASI-STRESS (953219) | European Activity for Standardization of Industrial residual STRESS characterization | 2021-2024 | DTI |
H2020 | BIG-MAP (957189) | Battery Interface Genome - Materials Acceleration Platform | 2020-2024 | DTU |
H2020 | HighnESS (951782) | Development of High Intensity Neutron Source at the European Spallation Source | 2020-2023 | ESS |
More information & support for proposal preparation
- EU Funding & Tenders Portal - for all information on calls including detailed description and submission information
- Horizon Europe Online Manual - helps you using the Funding & Tenders Portal for submission and project management
- Fostering Science - Grenoble-based individual support for your proposal submission for your ERC or MSCA proposal submission
- Horizon Europe Annotated Model Grant Agreement (AMGA) - this is the unique guidance for project management
- Horizon Europe Reference documents 2021-2027 - underlying documents for the current Work Programme
Compliance with EU policy
The ILL endorses several EU policy requirements. ILL has been the pioneer among the Analytical Large Scale Infrastructures in establishing a Data Policy document in 2011. This has been supported by the PanData-ODI project (GA no. 283556).
In January 2017 the EU Commission published a Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures in close cooperation with the ESFRI, the e-infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG), and the European Research Area stakeholder organisations. This charter sets out non-regulatory principles and guidelines as a reference when defining access policies for RIs. In this context, the ILL has defined its own User Access policy, defining the principles and guidelines for access to ILL infrastructures and related services.
The ILL endorsed in 2006 together with EIROforum members the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The ILL registered in 2019 in the Transparency Register and therewith signed the Code of Conduct in Annex 3 of the 2014 Interinstitutional Agreement which establishes the underlying principles for standards of behaviour in all relations with the EU institutions.