
Isabelle Grillo

Isabelle Grillo passed away in August 2019. She was just 46 years old. The news of her death came as an immense shock to her colleagues at the ILL, in particular her co-workers in the LSS group. She was a brilliant scientist. We miss her terribly. 

Please find here more information about her.


  • Thermosensitive hydrogel loaded with essential oils
  • Surfactant free emulsions
  • Hyaluronic acid

D33 co-responsible 

Small Angle Neutron Scattering

Neutron and x-ray small-angle scattering

Data treatment and instrument calibration 
Du spectre brut à l’intensité absolue: calibration d’une caméra Guinier-Méring à collimation linéaire 
F. Né, I. Grillo, O. Taché, Th. Zemb, Journal de Physique IV (2000), 10, 403-413 (Abstract)

Effect of instrumental resolution and polydispersity on ideal form factor in Small Angle Neutron Scattering (Abstract)

Soft Condensed Matter

Link to College 9


Real time measurements with stopped-flow apparatus
Stopped-flow manual

Papers on time-resolved experiments carried out on D22 

Dynamics of structural transitions in amphiphilic systems monitored by scattering techniques (Abstract)
M. Gradzielski , I. Grillo and T. Narayanan
Prog Colloid Polym Sci, 2004, 129, 32-39

How does ZrO2/surfactant mesophase nucleate? Formation mechanism  (Abstract)
F. Né, F. Testard, Th. Zemb, I. Grillo Langmuir (2003),  9(20), 8503-8510

Formation and growth of anionic vesicles followed by small angle neutron scattering (Abstract)
I. Grillo, E.I. Kats, A.R. Muratov Langmuir (2003), 19 (11) 4573-4581

Since 2013:
Co-responsible of D33
Sept 03 -:
Responsible of the Chemistry Laboratory

Sept 98 - Aug 03:
Scientist at the Institut Laue Langevin, co-responsible of the Small Angle Neutron Scattering spectrometer D22

HERCULES (Higher European Research Course for Users of Large Experimental Systems, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble): pratical and tutorial on soft condensed matter.

PhD in Physical Chemistry, "Insertion de particules anisotropes dans des phases lamellaires tensioactives" supervised by P. Levitz (CRMD-CNRS Orléans) and Th. Zemb (Service de Chimie Moléculaire, CEA Saclay)

Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie et de Physique de Bordeaux