
General news

- News,General news,European news

On May 28-29, the 4th annual conference of BATTERY 2030+ gathered over 300 participants in Grenoble for two days of great presentations, discussions and networking opportunities on many different facets of battery research in Europe and beyond.

- Industry - Pharmaceuticals,General news,France,Switzerland

The Swiss company NOVARTIS announced at the Choose France Summit the desire to establish a partnership with the ILL, already a partner of other pharmaceutical companies for radioisotope production for cancer treatment and research. This is part of a…

- News,General news

The second 2024 reactor cycle at ILL started today, 14 May. It will last 56 days, until 9 July, at a power of 47.2 MW.

- News,General news

The UK Neutron and Muon Science and User Meeting (NMSUM) took place at Warwick University in April attracting over 300 participants. At ILL we look forward to the next NMSUM in 2025 and other user meetings across Europe before then.

- News,Industry,General news

On April 23-24th, the third Workshop on Additive Manufacturing (WAM2024) took place in Grenoble. WAM2024 was held in conjunction with the ILL-ESRF Residual Stress School, which took place on April 25-26th.

- News,General news

The ILL's Science Strategy Working Group had its second meeting on 17/18 April on site in Grenoble. The final meeting will take place in 17/18 June.

- General news,Scientific news,SAM,France

The first test measurements on the new instrument SAM at the ILL have been performed. SAM is the new small-angle neutron scattering instrument developed by LLB in collaboration with ILL (a so-called collaboration research group instrument, CRG). The…

- General news

After five intense weeks, HERCULES 2024 reached completion on 28 March. Here you can find a small photo gallery from the ILL side. HERCULES will be back in 2025!

- General news

The ILL Scientific Council met on site on 27-28 March. On the two previous days, 25-26 March, the Subcommittees of the scientific council met to analyse and select the proposals for beam time in 2025.

- General news

The ILL's Science Strategy Working Group had its first meeting on 7/8 March on site in Grenoble. The aim of the first meeting was to define the research areas on which the group’s discussions will focus and set up a working structure.