Test Laue neutron-diffractometer
Starting protocol
- Switch on the detectors
- Start PSLViewer (Windows 10 machine)
- Start NOMAD (Linux Machine)
- Login to NOMAD (Linux machine)
- Set shared directory (Linux machine)
1. Switch on the detectors
2: Start PSLViewer (detector software)
The detector software is called PSLViewer. It is run form the Windows 10 machine.
Double-click on the icon to start the software.
3: Start NOMAD
4: Login to NOMAD
Click on the top-right link in the NOMAD window to open the login pop-up window.
Enter your name and ILL usercub password, and choose the appropriate experiment number for your sample.
Experiment numbers for last-minute requests might not appear on the list. In that case, select InternalUse as your directory. Your data files can be transfered to the correct proposal number at a later date.
5: Set shared directory
NOMAD will create and store the data in a Nexus format on the ILL Data Server.
Data analysis and indexing are performed using the Windows 10 machine.
A directory must be created to share the data between the Linux and Windows 10 machines. NOMAD will use this directory to store TIF images of the data.
The directory is created by NOMAD:
- Click on the Settings tab on the left-hand side of the NOMAD window.
- Look under Instruments : Acquisition : Setting : DataPathConfig
- Enter your user name in the User Name field and the proposal number in the Proposal ID field.
- Click the Play button (►) in the bottom right of the NOMAD screen.
NOMAD will save the TIF files in the directory
/users/data/<Path> on the Linux machine
Z:\\<User Name>_<Proposal ID> on the Windows 10 machine.
You should check that the directory has been created by looking at the contents of drive Z:\\ of the Windows 10 machine. You can use the File Explorer Shortcut on the desk top to the left of the screen, and in the task bar at the bottom of the screen, for quick access.