

Large dynamic range small-angle diffractometer

3.3. D22 run parameters stored with data

MAD stores certain parameters with the data. This document shows a list of them.

For other information, refer to the D22 Manual and to the D22 documentation.

  parameters defined by Ron Ghosh

values chosen for LAMP

   1 contents of PRESET 1 (1/100 s if time) x
   2 contents of PRESET 2 (generally not used) x
   3 time [1/10 s] scaler 1 x
   4 total detector counts (scaler 2) (not necessary for LAMP)
   5 total monitor counts (3) x (but this one)
   6 total number of selector revolutions (4) 
   7 total number of chopper revolutions (5) 
  15 detector angle (calc.) [deg.] x
  16 coder 1: beamstop pos. By [mm] x
  17 coder 1: beamstop pos. Bx [mm] x
  18 c. 3: sample changer/translat. STR [mm] x
  19 c. 4: detector distance DET (read) [m] x
  20 selector speed [1/min] (last) 
  21 chopper 1 speed [1/min] 
  22 chopper 2 speed [1/min] 
  23 digital voltmeter channel 1 
  24 digital voltmeter channel 2 
  25 selector type (1., 2. etc.) 
  26 sample-detector distance (calc.) [m] x
  27 run sequence: cycle 
  28 run sequence: serial 
  29 temperature set point [K] 
  30 regulation temperature [K] 
  31 sample temperature [K] (last) x
  32 temperature control off/on (0./1.) 
  33 value of IEEE-1 at start x
  34 value of IEEE-1 at end x
  35 ... further IEEE values 
   further parameters stored with the data 
  51 beam centre address X0 [cell#] x
  52 beam centre address Y0 [cell#] x
  53 wavelength [] x
  54 relative wavelength resolution x
  55 detector pixel size x [mm] x
  56 detector pixel size y [mm] x
  57 alarm status no alarm/alarm 0/1 
  58 collimation [m] x
  59 attenuator type (1., 2. etc.) 
  60 attenuator out/in (0./1.) 
  61 detector angle (read) [deg.] x
  62 detector translation (read) [mm] x
  63 selector angle [deg.] x
  64 sample distance [mm] x
  65 sample rotation [¡] x
  66 changer position # x
  67 sample height [mm] x
  68 source ap. left [mm] 
  69 source ap. right [mm] 
  70 source ap. lower [mm] 
  71 source ap. upper [mm] 
  72 source ap. distance [m] 
  73 sample aperture hor. /diam. [mm] 
  74 sample aperture vert. or 0. [mm] 
  75 beamstop width or diameter [mm] 
  76 beamstop height or 0. [mm] 
  77 ISUM X1 [cell #] 
  78 ISUM X2 [cell #] 
  79 ISUM Y1 [cell #] 
  80 ISUM Y2 [cell #] 
  81 shear speed [1/min]  x
  82 magnetic field [Tesla] 
  83 pressure [Pa] 
  84 reactor power [MW] 
  85 TOF: # of channels 
  86 TOF: delay [ms] 
  87 TOF: channel width [ms] 
  88 TOF: channel increment factor 
  89 preset flag mon./time (0/1) 
  90 TOF: # of current frame 
  91 data file version number 
  92 iris position # 
  93 ADC1 
  94 ADC2 
  95 ADC3 
  96 ADC4 
  97 DAC1 
  98 DAC2 
  99 DAC3 
 100 DAC4 
 101 Sample table translation (TTR) [mm] 
 102 Sample goniometer angle (CHI) [deg.] 
 103 Ampere (magnet power supply) 
 104 Voltage (magnet power supply) 
 105 TOF/kin current channel start time 
 106 Flipper frequency 
 107 Flipper amplitude 
 108 Flipper pickup 
 109 Polarisation 
 110 TOF/kin current channel centre (time) 
 111 Current of (new) power supply 1 (Amp1) 
 112 Voltage of power supply 1 (Volt1) 
 113 Current of (new) power supply 2 (Amp2) 
 114 Voltage of power supply 2 (Volt2) 
 115 Current of (new) power supply 3 (Amp3) 
 116 Voltage of power supply 3 (Volt3) 
 117 Magnet Frequency (AW) 
 118 Magnet Amplitude (AW) (Volt) 

(ast update of table: 01-Dec-2006)

distribution: Stuart Caunt, Bob Cubitt, Bruno Deme, Charles Dewhurst, Giovanna Fragneto,
Ron Ghosh, Hans Lauter, Peter Lindner, Roland May, Ralf Schweins, Peter Timmins