
General news

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- Switzerland,News,General news

On 15th July Switzerland’s Scientific Membership of the ILL was officially renewed for another 5 years.

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On the International Day of LGBTQ+ People in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM), the EIROforum DGs pay a special tribute to the indispensable contributions of LGBTQ+ colleagues in the STEM fields.

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- News,General news,European news
- News,General news

The microstrip gas chamber (MSGC) was invented by Anton Oed at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL). Bruno Guérard and Damien Roulier at ILL have been working on a new development in its design for SINE2020.

- News,General news,European news

"In seeking to inspire the next generation of researchers, the EIROforum reaffirms its commitment toward providing equal opportunities for all, ensuring a positive impact of science in society, worldwide."

- Spain,News,Press releases,General news