
Scientific Council of the CEA visit the ILL

- News, General news

On 29 and 30 May 2024, the CEA organised a meeting of its Scientific Council in Grenoble on the theme of neutron scattering, under the chairmanship of the High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, Vincent Berger. The Scientific Council visited the ILL on 29 May.

On this occasion, an overview of neutron scattering at national, European and international level was presented, covering the different types of sources (reactors, spallation sources and compact sources), user communities, as well as applications for nuclear power, for the digital transition and for new energy technologies (NET) with a particular focus on batteries and fuel cells.

These presentations showed the key position of the ILL in these areas. The future neutron landscape and the current and future contributions of the CEA were at the heart of the discussions.

The Scientific Council visited the ILL on May 29, in particular the CRG instruments operated by the CEA. The visit was very much appreciated by all the members of the CEA Scientific Council.

Photo Gallery:





TOP: Group photo of the CEA Scientific Council visit to the ILL. From left to right: Eric PLESKA, Michel GUIDAL, Ken ANDERSEN, Henri SAFA, Luc VAN DEN DURPEL, Olivier LEFEVRE, Jacques JESTIN, Lionel BUCHAILLOT, Philippe MOISY, Marie-Hélène MATHON, Olivier GORCEIX, Hervé DESVAUX, Denis BLANQUET, Vincent BERGER, Bernd GRAMBOW, Nathalie HERLIN BOIME, Paul FRIEDEL, Catherine RIVIERE, François DAVIAUD, Abdallah LYOUSSI, Anne-Isabelle ETIENVRE, Sylvain PETIT, Thierry DEUTSCH, Daniela CANCILA, Sylvain RAVY, QUATREHOMME Franck (behind), Pascale BAYLE-GUILLEMAUD, LUTTON André, Arnaud DESMEDT, Martin WEIK, Olivier PIRONNEAU, Patrice SOURDIAUCOURT