
Final ILL Science Strategy WG meeting

The third and final meeting of the science strategy working group was held at the ILL on June 17 and 18. Discussions focused on prioritising emerging scientific areas, identifying mechanisms for implementing the scientific strategy and preparing the final report.

The report will be delivered to ILL Management and will be used as an input for the ILL Science Strategy document, which will be presented to the ILL Scientific Council meeting in October and is expected to be finalised by the end of the year.




From left to right: Frank Schreiber, Arno Hiess, Paul Shiering, Margarida Costa Gomes, Didier Gigmes(in background),Caterina Michelagnoli, Ken Andersen, Tobias Jenke, Elisa Rebolini, Catrin Davies (behind), Frank Gabel (in background), Andreas Meyer, Andrew Wildes, Andrea Taroni (foreground), Robert Feidenhans’l (chair), Alessandro Tengattini, Howard Jones, Orsolya Czakkel, Thomas Hansen, Philippe Miele, Thomas Saerbeck, Silvia Leoni, Jacques Jestin