

Lowest momentum transfer & lowest background small-angle neutron scattering instrument

- D11,Germany,News,Industry - Consumer Goods & Chemicals,Scientific news
- Advanced materials,Biology Health,Industry - Medical Devices & Biotech,Soft matter,European news,Scientific news,D11,D22,D33

Silk may well be the oldest biomaterial humans have exploited. The primary protein comprising silk is fibroin, and in the last century, it has been intensely studied for a variety of advanced applications beyond luxurious fabrics. Some of the most…

- D11,IN15,France,Italy,News,Biology Health,Press releases,Scientific news

New clues about the molecular nature of Alzheimer’s disease


- D11,Germany,News,Industry - Consumer Goods & Chemicals,Press releases,Scientific news,Soft matter
- D11,Germany,USA,News,Press releases,Scientific news,Soft matter
- D11,Denmark,Germany,News,Biology Health,Industry - Pharmaceuticals,Scientific news
- D11,News,Scientific news,Soft matter

An EPN-campus successful collaboration