Four-circle diffractometer with three-axis energy analysis
Simulated single crystal diffraction experiment
- Here D10 is set for a single crystal diffraction experiment in the 4-circle geometry.
- The polychromatic beam from the thermal neutron guide H24 arrives on the monochromator, which selects a given wavelength.
- The monochromatic beam passes through slits to limit its size before reaching the sample.
- The sample, usually a single crystal in a gas flow helium cryostat, is at the center of the eulerian cradle.
- The three axes ω,χ,ϕ of the Eulerian cradle are rotated until a given set of atomic planes diffract into the equatorial plane.
- The detector is rotated to the location of the diffracted beam, which is then scanned step by step.
This makes it possible to record the intensities of a large number of Bragg reflections, from which the atomic structure of the sample can be obtained.