
Panoramas - direct access

The following is for the version 2022 of the ILL Virtual Visit.

NODEURL to be usedTitle
ROOF landscape from the roof of the main ILL building - 2006
PF2 upper level: PF2 - Ultracold neutron facility - 2009
ENTRANCE beside the guardian desk of the reactor - 2009
Reactor level C  
Panther Hall: from beside PANTHER (time-of-flight spectrometer) and IN20 (three-axis spectrometer) - 2021
IN20 Hall: from the zone of IN20 (three-axis spectrometer) - 2006
Ricochet Hall: from beside IN20 (three-axis spectrometer) and RICOCHET (neutrino experiment not yet installed) - 2021
D19 hall: from the zone of D19 (crystal and fiber diffractometer) - 2010
D2B Hall: from the experimental zone of D2B (high-resolution powder diffractometer) - 2021
D20 Hall: from the experimental zone of D20 (powder diffractometer) - 2021
PN1_IN8 Hall: from the platform of PN1 (fission-fragment spectrometer) beside IN8 (TAS) and D20 (powder diffractometer) - 2021
PN1_REDmag Hall: from the RED magnet housing of PN1 (fission-fragment spectrometer) - 2006
PN1_D4 Hall: from the platform of PN1 (fission fragments) beside D4 (liquid diffractometer) and LAGRANGE (TAS spectrometer) - 2021
H6_beam Hall: from beside the H6 beam (its instruments are now decommissioned) - 2021
ThALES Hall: from the zone of ThALES (three-axis spectrometer) - 2016
IH3_platform Hall: from the IH3 platform (formerly the BRISP location) - 2021
D3_D9 Hall: from between D9 (single crystal diffractometer) and D3 (polarised neutron diffractometer) - 2021
GRANIT_SUN Hall: from between GRANIT (gravitational spectrometer) and D9 (single crystal diffractometer) - 2021
GRANIT_UCN Hall: from beside the Ultra Cold Neutron source of GRANIT (gravitational spectrometer) - 2010
H1H2_pool Hall: from the H1H2 platform overhanging PANTHER (time-of-flight spectrometer) - 2021
Hall de guides 1 (ILL7)
S18 hall 1: from inside the housing of S18 (neutron interferometer) - 2009
IN22 hall 1: from the experimental zone of IN22 (three-axis spectrometer) - 2009
Pf1B_IN3 hall 1: from the top of the neutron guides above IN3 (three-axis spectrometer) - 2006
H24_CT1 hall 1: from the top of guide H24 beside CT1 (detector test-bench) - 2012
OrientExpress Guide Hall 1: from between OrientExpress (Laue diffractometer) and D10 (single crystal diffractometer) - 2021
H112_footbridge hall 1: from the footbridge above the guide H112, beside the instrument test zone - 2021
IN16B_inside hall 1: from inside the sample and analyser chamber of IN16B (backscattering spectrometer) - 2019
IN16B_sample hall 1: from beside the sample area of IN16B (backscattering spectrometer) - 2021
D33_IN16B Guide Hall 1: from between D33 (small angle scattering instrument) and IN16B (backscattering spectrometer) - 2021
FIPPS hall1: from the roof of VIVALDI (Laue diffractometer) [now replaced by FIPPS (nuclear physics)] - 2012
PF1B_D1B hall 1: from the wall between PF1B (nuclear physics facility) and D1B (powder diffraction) - 2012
D33 hall 1: from the sample area of D33 (small angle scattering) - 2012
D11_sample hall 1: from the wall beside the sample area of D11 (small angle scattering) - 2016
DALI hall 1: from beside LADI and DALI (Laue diffractometers) - 2021
T3_D7 hall 1: from the staircase between instruments T3 (test bench) and D7 (diffuse scattering spectrometer) - 2012
SHARP hall 1: from between SHARP and IN5 (time-of-flight spectrometers) - 2021
IN5_sample hall 1: from the top of the beam shielding of IN5 (time-of-flight spectrometer) - 2006
IN5_inside hall 1: from inside the detector tank of IN5 (time-of-flight spectrometer) - 2010
FIGARO_sample hall 1: from inside the shield enclosing FIGARO (neutron reflectometer) - 2009
FIGARO_area hall 1: from between FIGARO and D17 (neutron reflectometers) - 2021
Hall de guides 2 (ILL22)
IN15 Hall 2: from the experimental zone of IN15 (spin echo spectrometer) - 2016
IN15_walkway Hall 2: from the walkway above IN15 (spin echo spectrometer) - 2016
D22 Hall 2: from the experimental zone of D22 (small angle scattering instrument) - 2021
D22_WASP Hall 2: from between D22 (small angle scattering instrument) and WASP (spin echo spectrometer) - 2021
WASP hall 2: from beside WASP (neutron spin echo spectrometer) - 2021
WASP_inside hall 2: from the sample position of WASP (spin echo spectrometer) - neutron flight chamber removed - 2018
D50 Hall 2: from the zone of D50 (industrial facility) as before SuperSUN was built - 2016
SuperSUN Hall 2: from the zone of SuperSUN (ultra-cold neutron source) - 2021
D16_SuperADAM Hall 2: from between SuperADAM (reflectometer) and D16 (diffractometer) - 2016
RH_H51_53 hall : from inside the shielding of guides H511, H512 and H53 - 2010
GH1_H14_15_16 hall 1: from inside the shielding of guides H14, H15 and H16 - 2010
GH1_H14_15 hall 1: from inside the shielding of guides H14 and H15 - 2010
RH_H112_17 hall: from inside the shielding of guides H112 to H17 - 2010
RH_H112_18 hall: from inside the shielding of guides H112 to H18 - 2010
GH1_H113_24 hall 1: from inside the shielding of guides H113 to H24 - 2010
GH1_H113_25 hall 1: from inside the shielding of guides H113 to H25 - 2010

The following is for the future version 2024 of the ILL Virtual Visit.

D11-SAM-SHARPER (html - 1.30 Ki)   or download link: (zip - 115 Mi)