
College 1

Applied Materials Science, Instrumentation and Techniques

College Secretary: Anna Fedrigo
Mailing list: col01_l(at)

College1 mainly deals with applied physics, imaging, new instrumentation techniques in neutron scattering and other methods.  Proposals are handled by the ILL submission system. The main instruments used for College 1 proposals are SALSA, NeXT, D11, D17, D22, D33, D19, D1B, but other instruments are also accessible.

If you have new ideas for improved instruments, new simulation results and/or tools, or want to give a seminar at ILL, please contact the college secretary.
He can schedule a seminar at the ILL any time (best on Monday and Wednesday). Travel and expenses for your stay may be reimbursed (3 per diems and travel support). Do not hesitate if you are coming for an experiment to Grenoble (ILL, ESRF, EMBL, CEA, CNRS, ...), this is a convenient opportunity to fund your trip and communicate with ILL scientists and other users.

You are also invited to join the College as a scientist if you are interested by the College topics: 

metallurgy, applied neutron scattering, neutron imaging, industrial applications, cultural heritage, new neutron scattering techniques as well as instrumentation, including scientific computing.

To join the College 1, send an email to col01_l(at) (indicate that you wish to subscribe, with your name and institution/affiliation). You will get notified for College 1 seminars, College 1 meetings, trainings, etc...

  • 1-01 Metallurgy, metal physics
  • 1-02 Strain, stress and texture analysis for engineering applications
  • 1-03 Cultural heritage
  • 1-04 Materials for industrial applications and processes
  • 1-05 Neutron imaging - general topics
  • 1-06 Neutron imaging for energy research
  • 1-07 Neutron imaging for porous media
  • 1-10 Instrumentation for neutron scattering
  • 1-20 Techniques for neutron scattering

List of subcommittee 1 members, pdf file (pdf - 5.50 Ki).