

Four-circle diffractometer with three-axis energy analysis


Rplot is a simple program to visualize D10 (and other ILL single-crystal diffractometers) raw data.

Rplot is distributed under the LGPLv3 (Lesser Gnu Public License version 3). A copy of the license text can be invoked from the About window within the program. The source code of the dynamically linked Qt libraries can be obtained here (zip - 1.52 Mi) (note that the original code was not modified). The QCustomPlot library can be downloaded here (zip - 225 Ki) or from The Eigen library was obtained here (


  • open Numors containing any type of scan (including D10 Flatcone)
  • visualization of 2D detector images
  • open *.ans files from Racer integrations including visualization of integration ellipsoids
  • simple integration of peaks and plotting vs. temperature, field, etc.
  • reconstruction of 2D maps in reciprocal space from Q-scans
  • 3D view of integrated reflections in reciprocal space
  • generation of reflection lists
  • filtering of loaded data with respect to different criteria
  • saving of workspace for quick recovering of loaded data
  • exporting of data in PDF and ASCII formats
  • logbook function


Installation guide

Rplot can be downloaded for Windows (zip - 36 Mi), macOS (dmg - 14.29 Mi) and Linux [AppImage (appimage - 33 Mi) (only 64 bit) or Debian package (deb - 1.25 Mi)].


  • execute vcredist_x64.exe (this will install the Visual Studio Redistributable packages, only necessary once)
  • launch Rplot.exe (it has to stay in its folder with all necessary libraries)


  • open the dmg-file and drag the app to your Applications folder or wherever you want


AppImage (only 64 bit)

  • Download and launch the AppImage.

Debian package

  • Download gdebi from a terminal: sudo apt-get install gdebi 
  • Install the debian package: sudo gdebi rplot_1.4.0-1_amd64.deb 
  • Start the program by typing Rplot


Recent updates (since v1.0)

v1.7 (October 2023)

  • Overplot tool now also includes the sums and differences on the 2D detector frame
  • Sums and differences can now also be removed from the list by right-clicking them
  • update 15/03/2024 (v1.7.1): possibility to load ubfrom.raf file (from rafnb/rafin) in genmag tool, multiple configurations per instrument are now saved in the registry, configuration and angles in genmag tool are saved in the registry (angles are loaded from instrument definition, when configuration is changed in genmag)
  • update 15/05/2024 (v1.7.2): optional Lorentz correction when exporting a fit range of peaks, bugfix in application of Lorentz factor
  • update 20/06/2024 (v1.7.3): adapted to new D3 Numor format, fixes the detector image for D9 q-scans, fixed offset in frame highlight when using normalization 

v1.6 (April 2023)

  • Normalization options in settings which apply to Numors in the scan plot of the main window and in the Overplot tool
  • Bugfix concerning the decimal places of negative values when hovering over a data point

v1.5 (June 2019)

  • new functionalities 'Add Numors' and 'Refresh'. The latter will automatically open any new Numors in the last directory.
  • visible detector area is now taken into account for exporting and fitting peaks
  • integrated intensities in 'Fit range' are now corrected for the Lorentz factor and the standard deviation is correctly saved
  • monitor is now shown in the plot label
  • bugfixes: qscans along (hkl) are now correctly plotted, Qmin and Qmax values are again taken into account in genmag
  • bugfix 18/07/19: calculation of forbidden reflections in genmag 
  • update 22/07/19: singe-point acquisitions can now be treated in 'Fit range'
  • bugfix 31/07/19: fixes the crash in qspace viewer when hovering mouse over 2D map
  • bugfix 14/08/20: fixed export of intensities from fitrange with correctly applied Lorentz factor
  • bugfix 17/09/20: allows propagation vector values kz of 1.5
  • bugfix 07/10/20: export of 5 decimals for fit parameters in 'Fit range'

v1.4 (May 2019)

  • added instrument definitions and configurations to settings menu
  • (hkl) positions are now displayed when hovering mouse over 2D-detector images

v1.3 (September 2018)

  • added non-standard space groups
  • option to export 2D detector frames to ASCII file (single frame or all frames)

v1.2 (May 2018)

  • opens *.lis files (e.g. for D23)
  • bugfix in the visualization of RACER integration ellipsoids for NUMORs with leading 0
  • bugfix in plotting q-scans which have been interrupted before the end of the scan

v1.1 (March 2018)

  • visualization of D10 Flatcone data
  • visualization of RACER integration ellipsoids
  • filter according to even/odd hkl values
  • reads 32x32 and 64x64 pixels detector data


Mag2Pol is a program for the analysis of spherical polarimetry and flipping ratio data. However, nuclear and magnetic structure analysis from integrated intensities is also possible. 

Click here to go to the Mag2Pol main page.


CCSL is a library of subroutines for doing crystallographic and related calculations. It is designed not so much as a set of programs for determining and refining structures, for which several other systems are available, but as toolbox to allow the crystallography of non-trivial structures to be easily introduced into user programs.

The full documentation and download page can be found here.


The FullProf suite can be downloaded here.