EASY - Easy Access System
The Easy Access SYstem (EASY) grants beamtime to scientists from ILL member countries, who need a small amount of beamtime, to perform rapidly some measurements (not a full experiment). Access is open all year long, and it is not necessary to go through the ILL standard proposal round and consequent peer review system.
The EASY route has been used to grant limited beamtime on the diffractometer D2B, for short measurements at room temperature.
In May 2018, EASY access has been extended to all instruments, except those in the NPP group, with an increased range of sample environments.
EASY could, for example, be used for: testing samples, completing experiments and performing one-off measurements to contribute to publications.
The users will not be invited to the ILL, but will send their samples to a ILL scientist, who will be responsible for the measurements and sample radiological control. The ILL will ship back the sample once the measurement is finished.
Please follow the guidelines (pdf - 120 Ki) when applying for EASY beamtime on the User Club web-site.