
Visit of Dr Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada

Today, 18 May, the Institut Laue-Langevin had the honour and the pleasure of welcoming Mona Nemer, the Chief Science Advisor of Canada, who was visiting Grenoble and the EPN campus. She was accompanied by Yannick Neuder, vice-president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region with responsibility for higher education, research, innovation and European funds, and by Geneviève Fioraso, former French Minister of Research and former Member of Parliament for Isère.

The ILL and Canada are currently exploring opportunities for strengthening their scientific collaboration. Canada is home to an outstanding community of world-class neutron scientists, many of whom are already regular visitors to the ILL. Formal membership would offer them privileged access to the Institute’s scientific facilities, bearing in mind the recent closure, on 31 March, of Canada’s own neutron research source, the National Research Universal (NRU).

Whatever form it takes, a strengthening of ties between Canada and the ILL cannot fail to benefit the global neutron community, which is what the ILL hopes for.

From right to left Mrs Mona Nemer, Yannick Neuder, Geneviève Fioraso
and Jérôme Estrade, ILL Associate Director
Mrs Mona Nemer with Mark Johnson, ILL Associate Director