

Lowest momentum transfer & lowest background small-angle neutron scattering instrument

- Health,Biology Health,Industry - Consumer Goods & Chemicals,Industry - Pharmaceuticals,Soft matter,European news,Scientific news,D11,IN15,Germany

How neutrons help us understand the industrial production of therapeutic molecules

- News,Health,Scientific news,D11,United Kingdom

HIV/AIDS remains a major global health challenge, with an estimated 39 million people living with the disease and 1.5 million new infections each year. Though antiretroviral therapy provides effective treatment and prevention, limitations arise due…

- Health,Biology Health,Chemistry,Scientific news,D11,IN15,IN16B,Germany,Sweden,Switzerland

The goal of this study was to complete the mapping of the dynamics of the well-known protein Hsp90 by studying the 5-500 ns timescale using a combination of state-of-the-art complementary techniques, and to take the first steps towards understanding…

- News,Health,Biology Health,Industry - Pharmaceuticals,Scientific news,D11

Courtesy of Alison Oliver (STFC,RAL,ISIS)

- News,Environment,Advanced materials,Scientific news,D11,Sweden,United Kingdom
- News,Chemistry,Scientific news,D11,Sweden,United Kingdom
- Highlights,Highlights 2021,Health,Biology Health,Scientific news,D11,United Kingdom
- News,Energy,Advanced materials,Industry - Hydrogen-based Energy,Scientific news,D4,D11,D16,D17,D22,D33,D50-NeXT,FIGARO,IN5,SHARPER,IN16B,PANTHER,SuperADAM,France,United Kingdom
- News,Press releases,Scientific news,D11,Italy