This agreement continues a 35-year-old partnership and guarantees that Swiss scientists will keep using ILL's unique neutron source and state-of-the-art instrument suite and support infrastructures.
Prof. Hirayama was accompanied by a delegation including Ambassador Michael Gerber, Director General of the Division International Programmes and Organisations IPO at the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), Xavier Reymond, Deputy Head of the Division IPO and Head of International Research Organisations at SERI, and Patrice Soom, Scientific Advisor at SERI.
The visit was also an opportunity for Prof. Hirayama and the Swiss delegation to visit the ILL, accompanied by ILL's Director Ken Andersen and Associate Director Jacques Jestin. A highlight of the visit was certainly the topic of radioisotope production at the ILL for medical applications, introduced to the visitors by Ulli Koester, ILL scientist and coordinator of the programme.
Link to the SERI press release: