COFREND visit to NeXT at the ILL
On 8 January 2025, members of COFREND (Confédération Française pour les Essais Non Destructifs) were at the ILL for a visit focused on our imaging instrument NeXT (Neutron and X-ray Tomography). This group of professionals in the field of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) had the opportunity to tour the ILL's experimental facilities and get insights into the powerful complementarity of neutron and X-ray techniques when applied to industrial research.
As a multisectoral and interprofessional confederation, COFREND plays a critical role in advancing NDT technologies and practices in France. This visit to the European Photons and Neutrons (EPN) Campus took place in the context of a COFREND Tomography Working Group meeting hosted by NOVITOM in Grenoble. We were delighted to welcome this diverse group of 17 guests representing specialised companies, equipment manufacturers and distributors, research organisations and training providers.
The ILL collaborates closely with industrial partners, providing advanced solutions for complex challenges in engineering and material characterisation in a variety of scientific and technological domains. During the visit, the group explored how neutron imaging techniques can complement more traditional NDT methods, providing deeper insights into the internal structure and integrity of materials. Examples included applications such as the ageing of batteries, the development of robust concrete formulations, and the study of manufacturing processes in ancient artworks.
The visit provided an opportunity for meaningful exchanges between COFREND members and ILL researchers, fostering potential collaborations and sharing experiences. With strengthened connections, the transformative potential of neutron science in solving real-world challenges is moving closer to benefiting society.