
ifort compiler

Version number

     ifort -V</p>


Intel OneApi Fortran compiler
CLWG-78LP2BMP    13-fev-2021

ifort: error #10401: error running 'xcrun -find ld'
This error means that the Xcode present on the computer was not validated. Lauch Xcode ans validate it.

Compiler options

ifort: command line remark #10148: option '-vec-report0' not supported

Linux OS and OS X:
     -qopt-report [ =n ]
Windows OS:
     /Qopt-report [ : n ]

So, replace '-vec-report0'  --->  '-Qopt-report=0'
Attention: '-Qopt-report:0' now gives an error message

Minimum OS version

Min macOS supported must be set within each of the binaries, i.e. LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX must be set

Ifort compiler
     ifort link option: -mmacosx-version-min=10.10    (10.9 is the minimum)

Checking it:
     otool -l <library or binary> | grep -B1 -A3 MIN_MACOS
     otool -l <library or binary> | grep -B1 -A3 LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX

ld: warning

ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/intel//compilers_and_libraries_2017.0.102/mac/tbb/lib'

TBB is part of Intel C++ compiler and not included in Intel fortran compiler. The warning is caused by a known issue in the compiler environment setup script. It can be safely ignored. As a workaround you can install Intel C++ compiler on the system too if you have an valid license. Another way is not sourcing the "" before using the compiler and just directly invoke the compiler through the links under "/usr/local/bin" folder created by the compiler installation program.

I suppressed the error message by creating empty directories "/tbb/lib"

Adding dialogs to a line command application

An osascript command can be used to display a dialog from a standard FORTRAN code.
Note that we do not call "display dialog" directly but ask "System events" to do so. This prevents the dialog window from being shown in the background.

Fortran 90 example

   Subroutine myDialog(myString)
     implicit none
     character(len=*)   :: myString
     character(len=1024) :: cmmnd
     integer :: SYSTEM
     integer :: iRes
     cmmnd="osascript -e 'tell app "//'"System Events" to display dialog '//'"My message!\n\n'//trim(myString)//'" buttons {"Okay"} default button 1 with icon 2'//"'"
     write(*, fmt='(a)') trim(cmmnd)
     iRes = SYSTEM(trim(cmmnd))  
   End Subroutine myDialog