

Notarization and App Store

The initial version of TAS-Paths had several auxiliary binaries and we faced problems with that. Tobias incorporated them in the main binary and things turned out to be a lot simpler.

For the notarization we used the new procedure that Apple implemented for Xcode 11.

    pkgbuild --component "$APP_File" \
         --identifier "$PKG_ID" \
         --version "$PKG_version" \
         --install-location "/" \
         --sign "$DEV_INSTALLER" \
         "$PKG_Name" >> "$NOTARY_LOG" 2>&1

    xcrun notarytool submit "$PKG_Name" \
         --keychain-profile "$credential_profile" \
         --wait >> "$NOTARY_LOG" 2>&1

The submission procedure to the App Store is quite similar to that used for Mag2Pol.