ILL virtual tour
You can view the Virtual Tour on your Computer, Tablet or SmartPhone
Click here to launch the Virtual Visit of the ILL (html - 0.92 Ki) (version December 2024)
Click here for the help page (html - 7.04 Ki)
Please reference this page as <> rather than from its full URL which may change in the future.
Direct access to a given panorama is now possible, a feature especially useful for presentations or to illustrate a web page.
©2010-2024, Institut Laue-Langevin, A. Filhol (Linus38), Laurent Thion <> and Francis Gorgé (FG)
• Project Leader: Alain Filhol
• Design and development by FG (Francis Gorgé)
• Spherical panoramas by Ecliptique (Laurent Thion)