
ILL virtual tour

Enjoy an interactive tour of the scientific installations of the ILL through a set of full spherical panoramas from different viewpoints.

You can view the Virtual Tour on your Computer, Tablet or SmartPhone

Click here to launch the Virtual Visit of the ILL (html - 0.92 Ki)   (version December 2024)
Click here for the help page (html - 7.04 Ki)

Please reference this page as <> rather than from its full URL which may change in the future.

Direct access to a given panorama is now possible, a feature especially useful for presentations or to illustrate a web page.

©2010-2024, Institut Laue-Langevin, A. Filhol (Linus38), Laurent Thion <> and Francis Gorgé (FG)
  • Project Leader: Alain Filhol
  • Design and development by FG (Francis Gorgé)
  • Spherical panoramas by Ecliptique (Laurent Thion)