vTAS: Virtual Three Axis Spectrometer

by Martin Boëhm, Alain Filhol, Yannick Raoul
Original programme by Alain Bouvet (~1998)
Scientific advisors
Emmanuel Farhi (ILL), Wolfgang Schmidt (ILL and Jülich), Zita Hüsges (Munich)
Trainees: Noëlle Le Delliou, Peter Braden, Akin Yurcelir
Contributors: Jacques Divol (Olilog)

Using a Three Axis Spectrometer (TAS) is not easy since one has constantly translate parameters from real space to reciprocal space and vice versa.
The goal of vTAS is to provide an interactive and graphical display of both the instrument configuration and the corresponding measured space thus making easier the understanding of the behavior of the instrument and its limits.
vTAS allows experimentation with sample parameters and orientation, instrument parameters, angular limits and location of the surrounding walls.
It supports several popular multiplexed TAS geometries.


1- Instrument parameters
2- Sample parameters
3- Experiment file
4- Basic formulas
5- Main features
5.1- Classical TAS
5.2- Classical TTAS with Multiplexed addition
IMPS for IN8 (ILL)
UFO for IN12 (ILL and Jülich)
MultiFLEXX (Munich)
6- History

Caution: this is only a test draft!