Page 282 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
P. 282

Neutrons for Science
  scientists from all over the world in collaborations with European scientists. The focussing effect of the ILL-Maxwell would be even greater and the influence on European research profound.
The case for the European Synchrotron Source
The detailed arguments for a ‘state of the art’ X-ray synchrotron source are advanced in several papers and are not restated here. We underline the simple point that the scattering of X-rays provides most of our direct information about the structure of substances down to the atomic level. Much of our understanding therefore in physics,
Co-existence of the Maxwell Institute and the ILL
It is important to emphasise that this proposal is not a take-over bid by the ILL for the ESRF. At first sight this view, taken with the arguments we have
previously advanced, might seem to imply two distinct and apparently contradictory philosophies. One is to preserve a separate identity and independence for the new synchrotron source and the existing ILL; the second is to achieve the maximum scientific interaction and technical co-operation coupled with considerable financial and manpower savings. In fact the two aims can be achieved easily by adaptation of the existing ILL structure.
Independence is achieved for the new Maxwell Synchrotron Institute by the following major recommendations:
a) There should be a separate Directorate plus the Services of the Direction.
b) There should be a separate Scientific Council and sub-committee system.
c) The scientists, immediate technical support and Accelerator Department should be the separate responsibility of the Maxwell Institute.
d) A matching organisation is retained by the ILL with the Reactor Department instead of the Accelerator Department.

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