Page 281 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
P. 281

A5 - Fender: recommendation to build the synchrotron on the ILL site
In this report recommending construction of the European synchrotron radiation source on the ILL site, the part which describes the applications of synchrotron radiation, has been omitted.
  21 February 1984
The European Synchrotron Source at the ILL Introduction
This paper proposes the European synchrotron source should be sited at the Institut Laue-Langevin at Grenoble.
There are three main arguments:
1. The synergic effect of coupling the world’s leading neutron research centre with a “state of the art” X-ray synchrotron source.
2. The ILL infrastructure is an excellent base for the new source. Technical expertise associated with neutron research is readily transferable. The site itself is well adapted to the proposed ESRF and considerable saving in time and money is possible.
3. The style of operation of the ILL: the international collaboration; the co-operation between visitor and in-house research; the provision of research facilities for long and short-term visitors, which lie at the heart of the Institut’s success, are entirely appropriate to a synchrotron research centre - they provide the best possible general guarantees that the ESRF can be built up to be an equally effective Institute in the minimum time.
The combined effect of the ILL and the ESRF (called the Maxwell Institute for convenience) would be to create a centre for condensed matter and materials research quite unequalled anywhere else. The ILL already draws

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