Page 260 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
P. 260

Neutrons for Science
 KENDREW John (1917-1997): physicist, protein crystallography, Nobel Prize 1962
KLAR Bertram: physicist
KLEY Walter: physicist Euratom (Ispra)
KOUTS Herbert: head of the Brookhaven reactor project
KOWARSKI Lew (1907-1979): physicist of Russian origin in Joliot’s team, he was a pioneer of reactor physics, he directed the construction of the first reactor of the CEA, then left for CERN
LACAZE Albert: physicist engineer in cryogenics at the university of Grenoble
LAJZEROVITZ Janine: professor at the University of Grenoble, crystallographer
LEHMANN Mogens (Mons): physicist
LE SOURNE Mathurin: computer engineer
LOMER Mick: Atomic Energy Authority (AEA); member of the SRC-AEA Joint Research Programme; first British deputy director from 1973 to 1974.
LOOSCH Reinhart: German, Under-Secretary of the Federal Ministery for Education and Science, ILL Steering Committee in 1971
LOTH Wilhelm: German visual artist (1920 - 1993) LOWDE Ray: physicist Harwell
MAIER Bernd: physicist, first scientific secretary
MAIER-LEIBNITZ Heinz (1911-2000): see Chapter 2 MAMPE Walter: nuclear physicist
MARTIN Jean-Paul: project engineering group, delegated construction supervisor (1968-1971), reactor vessel replacement supervisor (1991-1994)
MATHO Konrad: theoretical physicist

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