Page 259 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
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GOBERT Guy: mechanical engineer
GÖPPERT-MAYER Maria: German-born American theoretical physicist, and Nobel prize in Physics in 1963
GREIFELD Rudolf: German member of the ILL steering committee, sacked in 1976
GUINIER André (1911-2000): physicist Orsay
HALDANE Duncan: post-doctoral researcher in the ILL’s Theory group from 1977 to 1981; winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2016
HASENCLEVER Wolfgang: first chief administrative officer
HAUSSER Karl Wilhelm: first director of the physics department of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Medical Research (Max-Planck-Institute).
HEIDEMANN Anton: physicist, student of Maier-Leibnitz HEWAT Alan: physicist crystallographer
HIGGINS Julia: physical chemist, elected Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1995
HOROWITZ Jules: (1921-1995) see Chapter 2
IBEL Konrad: physicist
IPOUSTEGUY Jean Robert: French sculptor and painter (1920-2006)
JACQUEMAIN Michel: head of technical services
JACQUINOT Pierre: Professor in spectroscopy and Director-General of the CNRS (1962-1969)
JOLLIFFE Christopher: Science Division, SRC; led the first negotiations for the SRC
JUST Wilhelm: Austrian physicist; abandoned physics in 1989 to become a psychoanalyst
Key people involved in the history of the ILL

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