Page 174 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
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Neutrons for Science
  Fig. 7.2: The view in 2005 of the confluence of the Isère and the Drac. The large circular building is the ring of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). In front and to the left is the reactor building with the ILL main building adjacent. The EMBL laboratories are sited between these two institutes.
the 1962 Nobel Prize for his determination of the structure of myoglobin, using X-ray crystallography, Sir John was motivated by a strong desire to develop cooperation between biologists of various European countries, which was shared by most of his colleagues.
At the time the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) located in Geneva, was the only example of European scientific cooperation. In 1962 Vicktor Weisskopf was director of CERN. With Leo Szilárd, one of his friends from the Manhattan Project99,
99 This was the code name for all scientific activities leading to the creation of the atomic bomb by the USA. After the war Szilárd left physics and became a biologist.

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