Page 123 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
P. 123

Chapter 5: The construction of the reactor and the scientific groups
   Velocity of coolant between plates
 15.5 m/s
  Pressure of coolant entering the fuel rod
 14 bar
  Pressure of coolant leaving the fuel rod
 3.2 bar
  Pressure in the reflector tank
 4 bar
  Maximum temperature at the surface of fuel plates
  147° C
   Length of reactor cycle
  44 days
     Fig. 5.6: The fuel element. The control rod occupies the central space. The uranium is in the fins between which circulates the heavy water coolant.
The heavy water is an essential component of the reactor; some 42 cubic metres are needed for reactor operation. The majority (40 m3) was supplied by the factory of Mazingarbe (France). The final two cubic metres were of American origin.

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