

Fifth International Workshop on Sample Environment at Neutron Scattering Facilities

On May 26-28, we have organized the fifth international workshop on Sample Environment at Neutron Scattering facilities. This event gathered colleagues from neutron scattering facilities worldwide and representatives from a few companies participating in the development of neutron scattering equipment.

We thank very much the sponsors listed below without which this workshop could not have been so successful.


Over the past 10 years ARS has worked closely with the NS user groups to develop and offer CCR’s for neutron scattering experiments.
We have the unique distinction of manufacturing the cryocooler as well as the customized cryostat to user specifications. Cryocoolers are available from the specialized 1.7K cooler developed at ILL and licensed to ARS, to the standard 4K, 30K and 80K systems which have been available for almost 10 years now.
Cryostat design is based on the experiment and can be offered as sample in vacuum and sample in vapour configurations, each design has its advantages in sample exchange/throughput and temperature range.


A new actively-shielded 16T split-coil magnet system is being developed and constructed by Bruker BioSpin. This will represent the first high-field actively shielded split-coil magnet for neutron scattering experiments. The magnet is a geometrically symmetric split coil, which can be operated in both symmetric and asymmetric field modes (for experiments with polarized neutrons).

In order to minimize the stray fields, a superconducting shield coil is integrated in the magnet assembly. The design of an actively shielded split coil magnet for neutron scattering is different from previously manufactured actively shielded NMR and laboratory magnets, which are standard products of Bruker, and poses some new specific questions, such as the design of the shield coils and of a suitable supporting structure. Moreover, the materials used in the split region have been evaluated with respect to mechanical stability, neutron transparency and activation in close collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute. The first magnet system is in the construction phase and will be installed at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) in USA in 2009.

ILL - Institut Laue Langevin

Both the Science and Project & Technique Divisions have financially supported this event.

Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy

The NMI3 project falls within the activity ‘Structuring the European Research Area – Research Infrastructures’ of the EU 6th Framework programme. This workshop is supported financially through the Networking Activity.

Oxford Instruments NanoScience

Oxford Instruments NanoScience supports the neutron scattering community by providing low temperature (as low as 10 mK) and high magnetic field (up to 15T) sample environments, tailored to neutron scattering applications.

Oxford Instruments has a unique mix of expertise gained over the years by working in partnership with every major neutron scattering facility to provide state of the art magnets and cryogenic systems. We are also proud to have pioneered the design of magnet systems for neutron scattering. We can combine field orientation, field strength, neutron access and low temperature environment to provide you with a uniquely powerful measurement platform. More recently, to overcome the growing problem of helium shortage, Oxford Instruments has been developing Cryogen-free solutions. As a result came the TritonTMDR, pump free Cryofree® dilution refrigerator providing ease of operation and flexible configuration. Magnet and low temperature insert systems with integrated helium recondensing options are also now available. Come and see us at our booth and we will be delighted to discuss your specific requirements.


Over the last 40 years, SDMS and its subsidiary SNLS have grown to become one of the most highly regarded names in the fabrication business (manufacturing and often contribution to designing) in Nuclear, Vacuum and Cryogenics technologies worldwide. The main areas of work are Energy, Research, Defence & Space.
Located in St-Romans, halfway between Grenoble and Valence in South East of France, SDMS/SNLS employs a total staff of 120 people, of which 25 engineers. SDMS/SNLS profession is the well-documented production, in clean workshops, of specific noble metal sets and assemblies for customers with a high technology profile.
Through its involvement in all the major scientific projects and installations, the company has honed its skills and won widespread renown amongst highly demanding customers. With its well adapted workforce and equipment, SDMS/SNLS offers the required quality on time and to budget. Particularly within the frame of Neutrons Sources and their Experimental Environment (Research Reactors and Spallation Accelerators as well), the company SDMS/SNLS provides specific UHV Chambers, customized LN2, LHe or LH2 Cryostats, Lines or Loops, reactors Incore Equipments, even reactors Core Vessels, experimental fully-equipped Gloves Boxes, special nuclear wastes or samples Tanks, Casks and Containers, particles Accelerating Cavities, particles Beams Collimators, instrumented Irradiation Devices or Targets, structures or parts of Particles Detectors, etc.

TransMIT GmbH / Centre for Adaptive Cryotechnology and Sensors

Among all types of regenerative cryocoolers, only the pulse tube cooler (PTC) operates without moving cold parts. This unique feature of the PTC results in high reliability, reduced vibrations, and reduced magnetic interference, which makes it very attractive for cooling without the need for liquid helium or nitrogen. For more than one decade, the TransMIT-Centre in Giessen has been developing and manufacturing various types of PTCs for operating temperatures between 2.2 K and about 150 K. Two-stage PTCs are available that supply cooling powers at 4.2 K ranging from 0.15 to 1.1 W with electrical input powers from 2 to 10 kW. Demonstrated applications of these PTCs are, for example, “dry” cooling of Josephson-voltage standards, superconducting magnets, laboratory cryostats, and pre-cooling of sub-Kelvin coolers. Other types of TransMIT-coolers are lightweight, single-stage PTCs that operate on linear compressors with only 100 W power consumption, and which deliver about 2 W of cooling power at 80 K. All of the above coolers can be adapted to the particular requirements of the user.