

Alain (Marc) FILHOL

Birthday: 9 September 1944, French, married, one child.

Linus 38
7 rue du Rif Tronchard, 38120 St Egrève, France
Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Phone: +(33), Fax: +(33), <filhol(at)>

University degrees

April 26, 1985

PhD in physics, University of Bordeaux I, France
"Comparative evolution, as a function of temperature or pressure, of the physical and structural properties of one-dimensional organic conductors"

June 25, 1971

Doctor of Engineering in Physics, University of Bordeaux I, France
 "Contribution to the study of the hexogen molecule in the crystal, free state or solution"


Chemical Engineer of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Bordeaux (ENSCB). Graduated 4th of the “Tantalum” class.

Professional activity

  • Institut Laue-Langevin

March 2023 to (...)

Self employed: Linus38 Siret: 949668560 00012
Preparation of neutron experiments, ILL web pages (e.g. Prizes and honors, Techniques, etc.) ; communication tools (e.g. ILL_Presenter, ILL Virtual Visit, ILL Scale model, etc.), software development (e.g. FullProf4Mac, etc.)

2009 to 2023

Retiree but working at the ILL as "Long Term Visitor"
Projets vTAS, vIMPS, vUFO ; ILL Scale Model ; ILL Virtual Visit ; Movies ; 3D animations (e.g. Magnons, Neutrons4Science, vDiffraction) ; etc.

1994 to 2009

Computer scientist in the Computing for Science group of the ILL
     . Development of scientific software (diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering)
     . Multimedia developments for the promotion of scientific results (CD-Rom, movies, animations, etc.)

March 1981 to 1994

Computer scientist in the ILL IT department, first at the Data Acquisition Service (SAD) then at the Central Calculation and Telecommunications Service (DI-SCCT)
     . Scientific softwares for DEC's Vax VMS and Apple's Mac OS.
     . Multi-detector data processing (diffractometer D19)

December 1971 to January.1977

ILL postgraduate
     . Crystallography of organic conductors and superconductors
     . Building of the 4-circle neutron diffractometer D8
     . Participation in the building of the 4-circle and normal beam neutron diffractometer D15
     . Co-responsible of 4-circle diffractometers D9 then D10
     . Together with Alain Bathélemy, design of L.S.D, the first error tolerant control software for ILL diffractometers
     . Promotion of instruments relying on the photographic detection of neutrons (instruments D12 and T12)

  • CNRS

January 1977 to March 1981

Researcher at the CNRS
. Crystallography of organic conductors and superconductors at low temperatures and high pressure.


French (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Spanish (fluent)


Jazz guitar, bike, (windsurfing and skiing when I was younger)