
After your experiment

Before departure

Samples used in experiments at the ILL must be controlled by the ILL Health Physics Service before being taken off the site. An on-call  permanence is in place an the entrance of the reactor an guidehalls with agents ready to intervene as soon as they are available. The response time of the agents on-call is usually very quick but may vary due to factors such as their scheduling and workload.

Your film dosimeter, radiation warning beeper MUST be returned to the security personnel at the reactor entrance. Please do NOT leave your dosimetry in the racks. We must send your passive films for development as soon as possible and reassign the dosimeter to other users.

Please leave your entrance badge at the site entrance.

ILL publication and data policy

All users participating in experiments are obliged to comply with the ILL publication and data policy. They are asked to commit to this when submitting their proposal (by ticking the box ‘I agree with the ILL publication and data policy’).

Before coming to the ILL you should agree with your local contact the terms of his/her involvement in your experiments and data analysis, as specified in the invitation form.

If the results of your experiment are going to be published you must give proper credit to ILL staff members who participated in the experiment and proper mention of the ILL facilities used (preferably on the first page).
The ILL considers it natural that local contacts who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, analysis or interpretation of user experiments should be offered the opportunity to be listed as authors in publications.
As a minimum you should acknowledge ILL scientists with their ILL affiliation at the end of your paper. Please use the following ILL address as the standard for author lists in publications:

Institut Laue-Langevin, 71 avenue des Martyrs,
CS 20156, 38042 Grenoble cedex 9, France

Be aware that the ILL Data Policy provides for data from ILL experiments to be made public via the ILL Data Portal ( after an embargo period.

DOIs for data

When you publish results from ILL data - either your own data, data to which you were granted access, or data that were made public - you must cite the DOI reference using the specified format available on the DOI landing page. (example matching the citation below: DOI:10.5291/ILL-DATA.9-10-1310)
Please use the following format, by including it in the list of references:

Martin, J.; Bihannic, I.; Deme, B.; Duval, J. F. L.; Michot, L.; Rotureau, E.
Measurement of Structural Changes in Multi-responsive Core-Shell Polymer Particles; Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL): Grenoble, 2013; DOI:10.5291/ILL-DATA.9-10-1310

If the journal requests a specific format, you could use the citation formatter tool provided by DataCite ( in order to format the citation properly for the journal. 

More about DOIs on our Data Management page

User access policy

In January 2017 the EU Commission published a Charter for Access to research infrastructures in close cooperation with ESFRI, the e-infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG), and the European Research Area stakeholder organisations. This charter sets out non-obligatory principles and guidelines for defining access policies for research infrastructures.

The ILL has defined its User Access policy, setting out the principles and guidelines for access to ILL infrastructures and related services.
All users participating in experiments are obliged to comply with the ILL User Access policy. They are asked to commit to this when submitting their proposal (by ticking the box ‘I agree with the ILL access policy’).

The complete document can be found here (pdf - 168 Ki).

Experimental report policy

  • You must upload a preliminary report within 6 months of the date of the experiment.

This report can be updated and modified during the 6 months after the experiment.
The new version will replace the old.

  • You must upload a final report within 12 months of the date of the experiment.

This report can be updated and modified during the 12 months after the experiment.
The new version will replace the old.

When you upload a final report, it will replace the corresponding preliminary report.

  • After 12 months from the date of the experiment, the final report becomes public and not modifiable.

Steps to follow:

  • Create your experimental report and save it as a pdf file on your system (three A4-pages maximum)
  • Then, connect to the User Club: as proposer or co-proposer you will have access to the list of all your proposals for which experimental reports are still missing, via the tab 'Experimental report/Experimental reports upload''.
  • Select a proposal from the list for which you are sending the report.
  • Press 'Upload' and select the pdf file to be uploaded.
  • The system creates a first page with the experiment details: proposal number, title, experimental team, instrument, abstract ...
  • Press 'View the report in PDF' to see your report in pdf format.
  • Please note that it is now your responsability to check if you have created your file correctly. As the uploading system is now fully automatic, we will no longer be able to check for you.
  • If the pdf file is not satisfactory, press 'Remove' and upload a modified file.

If you have problems or further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact club(at)

Following the recommendation of the ILL Scientific Council, Experimental reports are now mandatory for ALL experiments, not just for continuation experiments.

All ILL experimental reports are software-archived and accessible via the web server as PDF files and fully integrated in the EPS system. The system offers the possibility not only of completing the experimental report directly on the web, but also to view it immediately on your screen as a pdf file.

Find an experimental report: Reports from 1995 are visible via the User Club.