Full Year 2008

	 >>  10 December  2008:   New output for fou=6,-6. New option for Bac=-4. Bugs

	    - Putting fou=6 the program outputs an hkl file with the following items
	      h k l  Aobs Bobs  Sigma(Fobs), where Aobs=Fobs*cos(Phase) and Bobs=Fobs*sin(Phase)
	      Putting fou=-6, the output is: h k l  Acal Bcal  Sigma(Fobs)

	    - The number of coefficients for the Fourier cosine series treating the background
	      has been increased up to 18. Just a double line (values/codes) has to be added
	      in the PCR file.

	    - Correction of bugs in the SUM files when writing for hel=2

	    - Correction of a bug in EdPCR. When importing a CIF file the default
	      PCR file for calculated pattern was not giving a sensible 2theta range
	      and step, now fixed.

	 >>   8 October  2008:   New option for output of symmetry modes

	    - If the value of p_mode(1)=2 (see note of 29 August 2008) the other
	      values are not needed. The program interprets this value as and indication
	      to output in the FST and OUT files the structures corresponding to
	      single irreducible representations (Irrep). All modes corresponding to
	      a single Irrep are combined in the FST file.

	    - The atom labels with more than 4 characters were not read properly.
	      This bug is now fixed.

	 >>  30 September  2008:  New IRF files added to the IRF_files directory

	    - The directory IRF_files has been re-organised and new IRF files have
	      been included into the subdirectories. Please read the information file
	      readme_irf.inf inside the IRF_files folder.

	 >>  21 September  2008:  New version of XLENS (Version 14) and new command in PCR file

	    - A new version of the program XLENS (version 14) is now distributed within the
	      FullProf Suite. The format of the POW file generated by FullProf when jview=12
	      is the same as before version 13. The new format (not yet operational in version
	      14) will be accessible with jview=-12.
	      In FullProf a new command has been added in order to create the proper CDR file
	      The command to be provided in the PCR file has the following format:

	      CONTENT  El1 n1  El2 n2  El3 n3  ....

	      where ni (integer) is the number of atoms of the chemical species Eli (Chemical
	      symbol of the element). This command should appear, as other commands, between
	      the kewywords COMMANDS and END COMMANDS, after the name of the current phase.
	      CONTENT is only useful when doing a Le Bail fit in order to generate the POW and
	      CDR files for XLENS.

	 >>  4 September  2008:  New version of FullProf Studio

	    - A new version of FullProf Studio (version 2) has been produced incorporating the possibility
	      of representing the elliptical envelope of helical structures. The manual has been also updated
	      and some additional examples (*.fst files) have been added to the "examples" directory of the
	      FullProf suite.

	 >>  29  August   2008:  New version of FullProf. Use of symmetry modes with AMPLIMODES.

	    - A new version of FullProf has been produced incorporating the possibility
	      for refinement (powder, single crystals, simulated annealing) of amplitudes
	      of symmetry modes. The present version is:

	         ** PROGRAM FullProf.2k (Version 4.40 - Aug2008-ILL JRC) **'

	    - The length of the label of an atom has been increased to 6 characters. This implies a small
	      change in the format of the PCR files that is transparent to the user.

	    - In the present version of FullProf the refinement of a crystal structure can be done
	      in terms of symmetry adapted modes. FullProf uses the output of the program AMPLIMODES
	      from the Bilbao Crystallographic Server (http://www.cryst.ehu.es/cryst/amplimodes.html)
	      The free parameters, instead of atom positions, are the amplitudes of symmetry modes.
	      The provided atom positions should not be refined. They are given as a reference of the high
	      symmetry (HS) phase described in the low symmetry (LS) frame.

	      This option is accessible by putting the variable JBT=6.
	      The input is exactly the same as for JBT=0, except that no refinement codes are allowed for
	      atom positions. This is taken into account by the program when Aut=1 (automatic mode).
	      If Aut = 0 it is the responsibility of the user to nullify the refinement codes of the atom

	      Extra input:

	        - The number of further parameters should be equal to the number of independent symmetry
	          modes (N_modes). This is, in principle, less or equal to the number of free position
	          parameters allowed to be refined in the conventional description of the low symmetry phase.

	        - After the conventional atom list (before providing the scale factor, etc ...) the
	          keyword: V_MODES followed by an integer (N_vector_modes) should be given. In general
	          N_vector_modes >= N_modes.

	        - A set of N_vector_modes lines should be given. In each line one should provide
	          the number of the concerned mode, the atom label (up to 6 characters) to which the vector
	          makes reference (atoms of the asymmetric unit), the label of the irreducible representation
	          to which belong the mode (up to 6 characters), the three components of the polarisation
	          vector referred to the low symmetry conventional crystallographic basis and a numeric coefficient
	          (normally 1.0) used for normalisation purposes.

	        - The above set of lines must be followed by the keyword A_MODES and the number of effective
	          independent modes (N_modes).

	        - The integer value N_modes can be optionally followed, in the same line, by a set of N_modes
	          integers, p_modes(1:N_modes), of values 0 or 1 for indicating the program to output files for
	          FullProf Studio of individual modes. If nothing is given the program assumes p_modes(1:N_modes)=0.
	          The files contain single modes virtual structures (codefil_n_mode_j.fst for codefil.pcr,
	          n:number of the phase, j: number of the mode when p_mode(j) = 0) corresponding to the presence
	          of a single mode. In the case of p_mode(j)=1 the codefil_n_mode_j.fst file contain the structure
	          of the high temperature (described in the low symmetry frame) together with an arrow description
	          of the atom displacements corresponding to the single mode j.

	        - A set of N_modes lines containing the name of the amplitude parameter (normally of the form
	          Qj_Label_Irrep, with j=1:N_modes) the value of the amplitude and its refinement code.

	      FullProf uses this extra information for calculating the effective fractional coordinates of
	      each atom in the asymmetric unit of the LS phase. The component k of the vector position for
	      the atom j, rLS(k,j), is calculated using the expression:

	                   rLS(k,j) = rHS(k,j) + U(k,j)
	                     U(k,j) =  Sum{m=1,N_modes} ( Q(m) * vect(k,m,j) * coeff(m) )

	      Where rHS(k,j) is the k-component of the vector position of atom j given the list of atoms and
	      correspond to the high symmetry phase referred to the low symmetry basis. Q(m) is the amplitude of
	      the mode numbered "m",  vect(k,m,j) in the k component of the polarisation vector of the
	      mode m for the atom j and coeff(m) is a constant coefficient provided by the user for normalisation

	      In the general case coeff(m)=1, but if several symmetry modes, for instance from m=i+1
	      to m=i+n, belong to the same representation, Dv, we can define a vector of amplitudes for the form:
	      VQ = {Q(i+1), ...Q(i+n)} that may be treated as a single parameter.
	      If one knows the ratios between the amplitudes, so that VQ= Qv {r1,r2 .... rn} and {r1,r2,....rn} is
	      normalized to 1.0, the coefficients coeff(m) can be identified to the ratios. Then using the same
	      amplitude Qv for all the modes of the representation the coefficients are: coeff(i+j)= rj.
	      Of course the values of the refined amplitudes depend on the numerical values used for the components
	      of the polarisation vectors as well as the values provided for coeff(m). The final displacement vectors
	      U(k,j) in fractional units are independent of the particular values used for coeff(m) because the
	      amplitude Q(m) will change consequently in order to keep the appropriat product Q(m)*coeff(m).

	      The program generates always CFL and FST files containing the conventional description of the final
	      crystal structure together with single mode FST files. The standard deviations of the atoms positions
	      are calculated using the propagation error formula neglecting the correlation between the refined
	      amplitudes of the modes. The example of LaMnO3 treated using this formulation has been included
	      in the examples directory of the FullProf Suite (files LMO_Modes_Pbnm.pcr, LMO_Modes_Pnma.pcr, to
	      be used with the data file lamn_3t2.dat and file Lamn_san.pcr to be used with Lamn_san.int and

	      The relevant portion of the PCR file corresponding to the default example given in the Web page of the
	      AMPLIMODES program is given below. Notice that the first amplitude (concerning only the Ba atom) is fixed
	      to zero because the origin is floating along z due to the polar nature of the space group.

	. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
	!  Data for PHASE number:   1  ==> Current R_Bragg for Pattern#  1:     0.79
	BaTiO3                         FIX xyz
	!Nat Dis Ang Pr1 Pr2 Pr3 Jbt Irf Isy Str Furth       ATZ    Nvk Npr More
	   4   0   0 0.0 0.0 1.0   6   0   0   0   5        967.370   0   7   0
	A m m 2                  <--Space group symbol
	!Atom   Typ       X        Y        Z     Biso       Occ     In Fin N_t Spc /Codes
	Ba1    BA      0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.47643   0.25000   0   0   0    1  # color grey    conn TI O 0.0 2.2
	                  0.00     0.00     0.00   151.00      0.00
	Ti1    TI      0.50000  0.00000  0.50000  0.24156   0.25000   0   0   0    2  # color green   poly Ti1
	                  0.00     0.00     0.00   161.00      0.00
	O1_2   O       0.00000  0.00000  0.50000  0.58601   0.25000   0   0   0    3  # color cyan
	                  0.00     0.00     0.00   171.00      0.00
	O1     O       0.50000  0.25000  0.25000  0.51687   0.50000   0   0   0    3  # color cyan
	                  0.00     0.00     0.00   181.00      0.00
	! Polarisation Vectors of Symmetry Modes for each atom
	V_MODES    8
	! Nm Atm     Irrep         Vx        Vy        Vz         Coeff
	   1  Ba1     GM4-      0.000000  0.000000  0.176512    1.00000
	   2  Ti1     GM4-      0.000000  0.000000  0.176512    1.00000
	   3  O1      GM4-      0.000000  0.062406  0.062406    1.00000
	   3  O1_2    GM4-      0.000000  0.000000  0.124813    1.00000
	   4  O1      GM4-      0.000000 -0.088256  0.088256    1.00000
	   4  O1_2    GM4-      0.000000  0.000000  0.000000    1.00000
	   5  O1      GM5-      0.000000 -0.062406 -0.062406    1.00000
	   5  O1_2    GM5-      0.000000  0.000000  0.124813    1.00000
	! Amplitudes of Symmetry Modes
	A_MODES    5     1 1 1 1 1
	      Q1_GM4-        0.000000      0.000000
	      Q2_GM4-        0.098947     21.000000
	      Q3_GM4-       -0.085383     31.000000
	      Q4_GM4-       -0.120367     41.000000
	      Q5_GM5-       -0.006086     51.000000
	!-------> Profile Parameters for Pattern #  1
	!  Scale        Shape1      Bov      Str1      Str2      Str3   Strain-Model
	  4.0008       0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000       0
	    11.00000     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000     0.000
	!       U         V          W           X          Y        GauSiz   LorSiz Size-Model
	   0.176029  -0.197814   0.091459   0.000000   0.030062   0.000000   0.000000    0
	. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

	 >>  19   June    2008:  New version of XLENS (Version 13)

	    - A new version of the program XLENS (version 13) is now distributed within the
	      FullProf Suite. There is a change in the format of the POW file generated
	      by FullProf in order to fit the changes in XLENS. Beware this change makes the
	      use of older versions of FullProf incompatible with the new XLENS format.
	      See documentation

	 >>  30   April    2008:  New version of the FullProf Suite for Windows, Linux and MaC OS.

	    - The complete FullProf Suite has been updated and some programs modified slightly
	      in order to simplify the use of different Fortran compilers (g95, gfortran, Intel,
	      Lahey-Fujitsu and AbSoft) in different platforms (Windows, Linux and MacOS).
	      The Web page of the FullProf Suite has been simplified.
	      Please communicate any error found in the use of the different programs.
	      In the Mac OS version some GUIs are not yet working but all the console programs are
	      OK. In particular GBond_Str and GBasIreps crash. The corresponding console programs
	      Bond_Str and BasIreps work without problem.

	    - Strong changes in WinPLOTR-2006 for reading 2D detectors and improving OpenGL access.

	    - A GUI for XLENS is now distributed within the FullProf Suite.

	    - New documentation for some programs: DataRed and XLENS

	    - Internal changes in FullProf for improving the output of PRF files, handling
	      polarised neutrons data treatment, etc.
	      The new version of FullProf has been updated to:

	      ** PROGRAM FullProf.2k (Version 4.30 - Apr2008-ILL JRC) **'

	 >>  22   March   2008:   Modifications in CIF output and in WinPLOTR. New version of FullProf.

	    - An output in CIF format with calculated distances and angles are now produced
	      by FullProf when CIF file (Rpa=-1) and distance/angle calculations are asked (Jdi=3).

	    - The Windows version of WinPLOTR is able now represent distances as a function of
	      temperature after a sequential refinement. A new item in the dialog box of WinPLOTR
	      opened when the button CYC is pressed asks for a visualisation of the distance results
	      at the end of the sequential FullProf refinement.

	    - Some minor improvements, and correction of small bugs, have been introduced in
	      WinPLOTR-2006, FullProf and EdPCR

	    - Internal changes improving the detection of bad input data have been introduced
	      in the new version of FullProf that has been updated to:

	      ** PROGRAM FullProf.2k (Version 4.20 - Mar2008-ILL JRC) **'

	 >>  14 February  2008:   SEQ files can now be rewritten

	    - The SEQ file generated during a sequential refinement when Rpa=-2 has the
	      attribute: position="append". The subsequent sequential refinements using the
	      same name code for the PCR file were adding the new results at the end of the
	      previous SEQ file. This behaviour can be changed (complete rewrite of the
	      file) by putting Rpa=-3. The program changes to Rpa=-2 once the parameters
	      of the first file have been output to the SEQ file. The final PCR has the
	      value Rpa=-2, if one wish to restart from the scratch another refinement
	      do not forget to put by hand Rpa=-3.

	    - The keyword "cyc" for invoking the sequential refinement by FullProf can now
	      be replaced by the more appropriate "seq" keyword. Both keywords are case

	 >>   7 February  2008:   Bugs of WinPLOTR-2006 and FullProf corrected

	    - The latest version of WinPLOTR-2006 was wrong when reading PRF files with Prf=-3
	      and the number of reflections was smaller than the number of points in the pattern
	      (the normal case!). I introduced the bug the 18 January 2008 to allow the automatic
	      handling of k_search from WinPLOTR-2006. This produced an "access violation" error.
	      Moreover, FullProf was not exporting the cell parameters and space group to the
	      PRF when Prf=-3.
	      These two issues are corrected now.

	 >>   2 February  2008:   Changes in WinPLOTR. Bug corrected when more than one Z-matrix

	    - The Windows version of WinPLOTR is now able to open several SEQ files in order to
	      plot heterogeneous data. This is particularly useful when the analysis of diffraction
	      data as a function of temperature uses different phases for different temperature
	      intervals. The user can open a SEQ file, select the parameters he/she wants to plot
	      and then open another SEQ file, select the parameters, and so on. At whatever moment
	      the "Select Files" item in the "File" menu can be invoked for selecting parameters to
	      to be plotted. WinPLOTR can also export the data as multicolumn files of extension *.xyy
	      or *.xyn that can be read by external programs like KaleidaGraph, Origin, SigmaPlot,
	      Excel, etc.

	    - A bug has been corrected in the Z-matrix option of rigid body description. The program
	      showed an "access violation" error when more than one Z-matrix was used in a single
	      phase. Now the simulated annealing option with different Z-matrices works properly.
	      The other formulations of rigid bodies were not affected.

	 >>   20 January  2008:   Changes in Bond_Str and GBond_Str.

	    - The program Bond_Str can now calculate a Bond-Valence Map if the instruction
	      "MAP nx ny nz ATName drmax" is included in the CFL file. This can be done
	      by using the new string field in the GUI GBond_Str reserved to this command.
	      The integer values nx,ny and nz represent the number of divisions along a,b,c
	      for the calculation grid. ATName is the chemical symbol of the ion used as
	      a point probe (it must be in the list of chemical species of the given asymmetric
	      unit) and drmax is the maximum distance for calculating the bond-valence sums.
	      The resulting map can be visualised by GFourier. These calculations correspond
	      to those performed by the program VALMAP (J. Gonzalez-Platas et al. J. Appl.
	      Cryst xxxxxxxxxx).

	    - A bug in the CFL file output by the latest version of FullProf (for doing distance,
	      angle and BVS calculations) has been corrected.
	      This bug was a side effect of a change (with a copy/paste mistake) in the library
	      CrysFML. The automatic calculation of distances was impossible.

	 >>   18 January  2008:   Changes in *.prf files to run k_search from WinPLOTR-2006

	    - The output files *.prf have now in the first line (title) information about
	      the cell parameters and space group of the first phase. This information is used
	      by WinPLOTR-2006 in order to prepare an input file for the program "k_search".
	      WinPLOTR-2006 has now a new item in the menu Calculation/Peak Detection. The
	      new item is called "Satellite Detection" and is enabled when a PRF file is on
	      the screen. Selecting this option the program is instructed for searching peaks
	      in the difference diagram yobs-ycalc, so that satellites can be detected. After
	      removing spurious satellites and manually introducing undetected peaks the whole
	      can be saved as a k_search input file. The program can then be run automatically.