Ralf Schweins
Large Scale Structures (LSS) Group Leader
Head of Soft Matter Science and Support (SMSS) including:
- PSCM (Partnership for Soft Condensed Matter)
- Chemistry Laboratory
- L-Lab (lipid extraction, purification and characterisation)
- Responsible of the small angle scattering instrument D11
- World directory of SANS instruments
- ALV CGS-3 Static and Dynamic Light Scattering with Goniometer
- Malvern Zeta-Sizer Nano ZS90 Dynamic Light Scattering at 90°
- Cordouan VascoKin Dynamic Light Scattering at 170° with digital correlator
- Cordouan VascoKin in-situ Dynamic Light Scattering at 60° and 170° with digital correlator
- LSInstruments 3D Static and Dynamic Light Scattering with Goniometer, for turbid solutions
[Kindly loaned by Prof. Dr. Th. Hellweg, University of Bielefeld]
- Soft Condensed Matter
- SANS [small angle neutron scattering]
- SLS & DLS [static and dynamic light scattering]
- SAXS & ASAXS [small angle x-ray scattering and anomalous SAXS]
Personal Section
Coming soon...