

IN15 High Resolution Spin-echo spectrometer

- Health,Biology Health,Industry - Consumer Goods & Chemicals,Industry - Pharmaceuticals,Soft matter,European news,Scientific news,D11,IN15,Germany

How neutrons help us understand the industrial production of therapeutic molecules

- Health,Biology Health,Chemistry,Scientific news,D11,IN15,IN16B,Germany,Sweden,Switzerland

The goal of this study was to complete the mapping of the dynamics of the well-known protein Hsp90 by studying the 5-500 ns timescale using a combination of state-of-the-art complementary techniques, and to take the first steps towards understanding…

- News,Health,Biology Health,Industry - Pharmaceuticals,Soft matter,Press releases,Scientific news,D22,FIGARO,IN5,IN13,IN15,IN16B,Italy,Spain,United Kingdom
- D11,IN15,France,Italy,News,Biology Health,Press releases,Scientific news

New clues about the molecular nature of Alzheimer’s disease


- IN15,Sweden,News,Industry - Consumer Goods & Chemicals,Scientific news,Soft matter
- IN15,USA,Biology Health,Press releases,Scientific news