

CRG - Thermal neutron two-axis diffractometer for single-crystals

Quantum critical point of the heavy fermion compound CePd2Si2

Pressure-induced superconductivity (Tc ≈ 350 mK) occurs at the quantum critical point of CePd2Siwhere the antiferromagnetic order is suppressed at T=0 K by a critical pressure pc of about 28 kbar. Although magnetically mediated superconductivity is likely, there is not yet definitive evidence for the pairing mechanism.

Diffraction measurements performed up to 24.5 kbar allow microscopic insights on this compound to be obtained through the pressure variation of the staggered magnetisation and the Néel temperature as well as the shape of the order parameter.

More details in:
N. Kernavanois et al., Acta Physica Polonica B 34 (2003) 721.