Page 89 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
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of neutron applications led to the creation of more specialized working groups to define instruments for diffraction, inelastic scattering and nuclear physics. I’ll continue with this later.
4.3 The Contract
The construction of a reactor at an estimated expenditure of 200 million francs and the cost of a Franco-German Institute with a number of staff to one day reach the figure of several hundred, required a clear legal framework. This legal framework was defined by two texts, an agreement signed between the two governments saying:
The Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany are eager to continue the implementation of the Franco-German Treaty of 22 January 1963, in particular the development of scientific collaboration between the two countries. Taking into account the interest of research that has already been done in France and Federal Republic of Germany in the field of nuclear physics and solid state physics,
• noting that in Europe the new facilities are necessary for the development of such research,
• wishing that other European countries can participate in the actions they propose to undertake in common,
have agreed to promote for peaceful purposes the construction and operation a reactor with very high neutron flux and are therefore agreed to the following arrangements.
Chapter 4 - The negotiations

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