Page 290 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
P. 290

Neutrons for Science
 There appears to be much material for the sequel to this book. In July 2013 the governments of France, Germany and the U.K. extended the original 1971 intergovernmental Convention supporting the ILL for a further ten years at least.
Having read and digested every word in Bernard Jacrot’s narrative, where much is written in the first person, I decided
it was best to offer a minimalist translation. I hope those who know Bernard Jacrot will still recognise his style and personal viewpoint. The alternative would be to paraphrase everything. In naming his peers B. Jacrot. uses only surnames, more generally for co-workers he uses full names, and for those in high office he adds a title, though this is usually simplified. (Professor Mössbauer was always referred to as “Monsieur Mössbauer” at the ILL).
The missing element in the whole book is a better knowledge
of the author who has exerted such influence on all phases of the Institut Laue-Langevin, but apparently has been too modest to accept his own importance. Providing a version in English will open up the story of the early times of the ILL to a wide audience, and perhaps prompt another author to update the tale.
I am grateful for the assiduous comments and corrections noted by friends who have read this text, notably Professor Adrian Rennie who was also so helpful in checking many of the references and George Stirling for his incisive criticism of fuzzy parts of the translation. Special thanks are due to Alain Filhol for instigating and managing the translation project.

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