Page 236 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
P. 236

Neutrons for Science
 structure (Fig. 11.6). The office building that hosts the reactor control room was significantly reinforced while the front parts of the two guide halls were dismantled to avoid damages to the reactor building if they were to collapse during an earthquake.
Fig. 11.6: Demolition and removal of internal structures at the top level of the ILL building to reduce inertia in case of a seismic event.
The Refit dealt also with mechanical engineering studies and non-destructive tests on the primary heavy water cooling circuit and the storage of fuel elements to secure a safe shutdown in case of serious earthquakes. The whole Refit was closely monitored by the French safety authorities and was eventually signed off in 2007 with a total expenditure of 30 M€. It is noteworthy that the renewal of the neutron source during the Refit and Millennium

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