Page 226 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
P. 226

The ILL between 2005 and 2018
W.G. Stirling129 and C. Vettier130
11.1 Introduction
The period from 2005 until 2018 involved the ILL in some
of the most challenging chapters of its existence. The ILL management and staff were faced with two extremely demanding reconstruction/strengthening projects, the ILL Refit and the Stress Test Response (STR) programme (REX Fukushima);
these resource intensive programmes, required by the French safety authorities (the latter in response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster), carried the potential of threatening the very existence of the ILL.
In parallel with these programmes that were extremely demanding both financially and in terms of human effort, the ILL maintained a scientific programme of the highest quality while
129 ILL Director: 2014 - 2016; ILL scientist: 1973 - 1987.
130 Assistant Director: 1999 - 2007; ILL scientist: 1978 - 1990; ILL PhD Student: 1970 - 1974.

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