Page 223 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
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To facilitate access to neutron beams and X-rays to study stresses a laboratory called Fame38, funded by the EPSRC, the UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Council – successor to SERC, was created jointly between the ILL and the ESRF. It is expected (with some optimism) that through this laboratory the use of neutron (or X-ray) scanning to study stress will be as widespread as scanners in medicine.
10.3 The future for the ILL124
The present management of the ILL considers that the reactor will be operational at least until 2020125, and it is essential that
it remains competitive until then. To ensure this it proposes
to strengthen the aspects where the domination of the ILL is strongest. A third cold source is under study, and it is necessary that each instrument should not only be improved, but should be the best possible with the technology available.
Whatever the quality of improvements and care is taken to maintain it one day or another a reactor must cease activities.
It is necessary to think of that. We must take into account the commissioning in the USA of the SNS spallation source in June 2006. An equivalent source is foreseen in Japan for 2007. [2018 addition: The J-PARC facility126 has been built and reached the
124 What follows is my personal view which I have at no time discussed with the current management of the ILL, and hence they cannot be held to any future engagement.
125 2018 addition: The ILL has been extended until 2023 and an extension to 2030 is expected. Technically speak- ing, the reactor could be operated well beyond indeed because of its very specific design which makes it highly repairable.
126 J-PARC website: 214
Conclusion - An appraisal

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