Page 201 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
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(this was for scientific activities, rather than the functional budget. In 2001 this corresponded to about 14.2% of the annual budget). Hence it was necessary to make economies. Firstly the staffing restrictions which were introduced to raise money for the rebuild were continued. The second way of making economies was to create “Collaborative Research Groups” (CRG). These would manage instruments constructed jointly between the ILL and external laboratories with shared costs. The principle had been suggested at the start of the ILL, but had never been followed up. There were three levels of CRG:
1. CRG type A
These were constructed by the ILL and remained its property; 50% of time was reserved for the ILL.
2. CRG type B
These are instruments of general interest, built and paid for by an external group; 30% of beam time is reserved for the ILL. This included some existing ILL instruments bought by these groups. This was the case, for example, of the IN12 triple-axis spectrometer acquired by the Jülich research centre.
3. CRG type C
These were experiments rather than beam instruments. A single external group offers both construction and operational costs. There is little interaction with the ILL, except for the field of safety. One example is the interferometer constructed by the Technical University of Vienna, which performed some of the experiments I describe in the chapter assessing the ILL.
Chapter 8 - The Dark Years

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