Page 141 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
P. 141

Chapter 5: The construction of the reactor and the scientific groups
 Some figures will show the importance of providing suitable sample environments. In 2005 the percentage of experiments89 needing at least one controlled parameter were:
 Low temperatures
 High temperature
   High pressure
   Magnetic field
   Several environment controls
  [2018 addition: In 10 years, the above distribution has not changed much since the sample environment service is working to the maximum of its capacity in both manpower and equipment. It is therefore supply, not demand, which sets the percentages. The main novelties of recent years are the gradual introduction of new categories of sample environment and the increased automation of devices.]
A major effort has been invested into providing the equipment for users to study their samples in the right conditions. This
was certainly a success which has contributed much to the performance of the ILL. While thesis work by students was certainly a motivation, none of this would have been possible without very strong technical support and the necessary resources such as workshops.
 89 My thanks to Alain Filhol for sending me these figures.

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