Page 107 - Neutrons for Sciences and Society
P. 107

Chapter 5: The construction of the reactor and the scientific groups
 Leibnitz’s wish to have the core offset in the reactor building. There were no problems in implementation in a building of 60 m diameter.
2. Conversion electron spectrometer
This spectrometer is used to measure the conversion electrons
following the capture of thermal neutrons. It is installed on the single vertical beam tube, thus at the upper level of the swimming pool. Conceived by von Egidy, then developed at the ILL with Bernd Maier as the responsible scientist, it was partly built at the CENG, and part in industry.
3. Spectrometers for measuring gamma rays emitted after neutron capture
These were designed by Otto Schull and are installed on the two ends of the beam tube that traverses the reactor. The source holder was built by Neyrpic in Grenoble. Part of the spectrometer from Risø in their collaboration with the Munich physicists was re- used. At the beginning Rüdiger Koch also had responsibility for this instrument.
5.1.2 Inelastic Scattering
Five instruments were selected to be the first built:
• IN1 a triple-axis spectrometer on the hot source
• IN2 a triple-axis spectrometer for thermal neutrons
• IN3 a high resolution triple-axis spectrometer on a thermal

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