
Diffraction parser

This part is the help of nomad diffraction command line parser


  • Par

The par commands sets parameters of the instrument.

par <parameters name> values....


* mco

Title of the experiment


> par mco
    Title = Nassif-11-04
> par mco test
    Title = test

* mut

Names of user and local contact


> par mut
    User name     = Nassif
    Local contact = test
> par mut Toto Nassif
               User name = Toto
               Local contact = Nassif
> par mut "John Doo" "local guy"
               User name = John Doo
               Local contact = local guy

* wav

Incident Wavelength of the instrument

> par wav
    Wavelength = 0.825

> par wav 0.912

  • Read

The read commands print the actual values of a component (axis, temperature, magnetic field, etc...).





> read omega
    Omega = 0

> read temp
    Tsample = 101.33    Tregulation = 100.12    Twanted = 100


It's also to call a shortcut command:




> rom
    Omega = 0

> rte

    Tsample = 101.33    Tregulation = 100.12    Twanted = 100

> rall
    2theta = 0.79
    Chi = 0
    Omega = 0
    Omega-Ge = 0
    Omega-PG = 0
    Phi = 0
    Tilt-PG = 0
    Tilt1-Ge = 0
    Tilt2-Ge = 0
    Tra-Mono = 0
    Translat = 0
For Coldvalve

> rvf
    Pactual = 0.8    Pwanted = 5


  • Pos

The pos commands do the action on a component (axis, temperature, magnetic field, etc...) with a specified target.


poscomponenttarget<component target....>



> pos omega 20
Omega           --> 20 deg
Omega               20 deg

> pos omega 10 2theta 110
Omega           --> 10 deg
2theta          --> 110 deg
Omega               10 deg
2theta              110 deg

It's also to call a shortcut command:




Command> pom 20
Omega           --> 20 deg
Omega               20 deg



pos temp or pte target <timeout time> <stabilisation time>

pos temp or pte ramp speed(K or C/min) target <timeout time> <stabilisation time>



> pte 100 1h 10m
OrangeCryostat  --> 100 K (timed out = 1 h)
OrangeCryostat  --> waiting stabilisation time 10 m
OrangeCryostat      100 K

> pte ramp 0.5 120 30m 5m
OrangeCryostat  --> 120 K setpoint ramp 0.5 K/min (timed out = 30 m)
OrangeCryostat  --> waiting stabilisation time 300 s
OrangeCryostat      120 K

Cold Valve:

pvf target <timeout time> <stabilisation time>


  • Move

The move commands do the action on a component (axis only) with a specified target step.


movecomponenttarget-step<component target-step....>



> move omega 1
Omega           --> 21 deg
Omega               21 deg

> move omega 1 2theta 0.5
2theta          --> 110.5 deg
Omega           --> 22 deg
2theta              110.5 deg
Omega               22 deg

It's also to call a shortcut command:




Command> mom 1
Omega           --> 23 deg
Omega               23 deg


  • Fix


Fixes a simple dynamic variable (i.e. a variable that is directly connected with the position of a spectrometer motor , or the value of a current).

The variable is fixed at its current value so that subsequent attempts to change the value will fail unless a CLEAR command is issued first.

FIX is a command of type A syntax. The FIX command issued with no variable name gives a list of motors and supplies which are fixed.


fix axis <axis...>



Command> fix omega
    Omega    Fixed


  • Clear


The CLEAR command un-fixes a previously fixed motor or power supplies. Issued alone it un-fixes all previously fixed motors and power supplies. CLEAR is a command with type A syntax. In all cases the motors or supplies which have been cleared are listed by the Program.


clear axis <axis...>



> clear omega
    Omega    Cleared


  • Set

The set commands change the component actual value by settings the offset value (only for axis).


set componentvalue <component value...>



> set omega 1
Omega           --> New Offset -22 ( Old  0)
> set omega 1 2theta 50
2theta          --> New Offset -59.71 ( Old  0.79)
Omega           --> New Offset -22 ( Old  -22)

  • Acq

The acquisition command.


acq  <preset_value> <preset_type> <save_type> <number_repetitions>


- preset_type: 0 = monitor, 1 = time

- save_type: 0 = no save, 1 = save


If there is no parameters, the acquisition take its actual configuration.


  • Nacq

The acquisition command. It is the same as" acq" but force saving data.


acq  <preset_value> <preset_type> <number_repetitions>


- preset_type: 0 = monitor, 1 = time


If there is no parameters, the acquisition take its actual configuration.


  • Scan

The SCAN command performs simple angle scans.


scan component<type> value1 value2 step <preset_value> <preset_type> <save_type>


scomponent<type> value1 value2 step <preset_value> <preset_type> <save_type>


If value1 < value2 the routines will default to a stepped scan from value1 to value2.
 e.g.        SCAN OME 5 15 .17        (or SOM 5 15 .17)

If value1 > value2 the routines will default to a centred stepped scan about value1 of width value2.        ie scans from value1 - (value2/2) to value1 + (value2/2)
 e.g.        SCAN OME 10 2 .2        ( scan from 9 to 11 in Omega )
 also       SCAN PHI = 1 .1            ( scans .5 deg. either side of current angle.)

If the default needs to be overidden, e.q. scans in a negative direction or the scan range is greater than the machine angle, the scan can be forced to either of the two  types by giving ''From' (forces from-to scan) and 'Centre' (forces centred scan) before the two angles.
 e.g.        SCAN OME From 15 5 .17        or        SOM F 15 5 .17
               which would normally default to centred scan from 10 to 20
 and        SCAN 2TH Centre 0 1 .05        or        SGA C 0 1 .05
               which would normally default to a simple scan from 0 to 1


> scan 2theta 100 120 1 1000 0 1
Scan            --> 2theta Position 100 -> 120 delta 1 steps 2

     Numor     710883
Step     2theta       Time   Monitor1   Detector    Tsample      Field
    1    100.000      1.028       1000  134209536     52.667      1.000
    2    101.000      1.001       1000  134209536     53.000      1.000
    3    102.000      1.030       1000  134209536     53.000      1.000
    4    103.000      1.030       1000  134209536     53.333      1.000
    5    104.000      1.035       1000  134209536     53.667      1.000
    6    105.000      1.028       1000  134209536     53.667      1.000
    7    106.000      1.031       1000  134209536     54.000      1.000
    8    107.000      1.021       1000  134209536     54.000      1.000




CAL0 H K L (Psi)        Calculates the setting angles for HKL. If psi is not given it will default to zero Angles are calculated, using the current orientation matrix and wavelength, according to the angle calculation criteria contained in parameter group MPA

CAL1 H K L              Calculates the 'D'-spacing and Theta angle according to the wavelength and the lattice constants.

  • HKL

HKL calculates angles in the same way as "CALculate".

If the angles are within software limits, it will position the diffractometer.

HKL0 H K L (Psi)        Calculates setting angle for HKL from the orientation-matrix and the wavelength according to the angle       calculation criteria in parameter group MPA, -- and positions --. If Psi is undefined, it will default to zero

HKL1 H K L        Calculates the 'D'-spacing and theta angle for HKL from the wavelength and lattice constants. It then positions 2Theta to twice Theta (!) and Omega to Theta. Chi and Phi are not touched.

  • Centering

The CENtre command starts a centering sequence.

This consists of step scans across Om, 2T, Ch. until either convergence
is found, or until a max number of cycles is exceeded.


CEN0 H K L (psi)  : Center from angles calculated from the UB matrix.

CEN2 (HKL) 2Th Om Ch Ph  : Center from given angles. The reflection will be called HKL if HKL is given, otherwise 0 0 0.

CEN4 (HKL)  : Center from current angles. The reflection will be called HKL if HKL is given, otherwise 0 0 0.